Cerius2 Modeling Environment

4       The Cerius2 Interface

The Cerius2 product line is a range of molecular modeling software, all based on the core control and presentation platform called the Cerius2 Visualizer. The Visualizer is an integrated collection of tools whose functions include Cerius2 session management, session logging, building and visualizing atomistic models, model management, saving and loading models, 3D graphical representation, data presentation, and environment customization.

The Visualizer supports numerous specialized Cerius2 application modules. These plug into the Visualizer and are all controlled with a consistent mouse-driven graphical user interface (GUI). The GUI provides intuitive control of all functions, maintaining a consistent look and feel throughout the Cerius2 environment.

This section explains

This section tells you how to run Cerius2 and introduces basic features of the graphical interface. It includes:

Starting Cerius2

Initial layout of the Cerius2 screen

Using the mouse--the basics

Using the main control panel

Controls and control panels

Information sources

Other windows

Related information

The rest of this guide describes in detail how to use the Visualizer. Another guide, Cerius2 Builders, describes the specialized builder modules you can add to the Visualizer to supplement its basic model-sketching capabilities. Each other optional application module or group of related modules includes its own documentation.

Starting Cerius2

Cerius2 is started by invoking the cerius2 script, which is typically located in ~msi/cerius2/runtools. On your system, the script may have been copied or linked to a standard directory in your search path, such as /usr/local/bin. If not, you may want to set up and use an alias. If you are not sure how your system is configured, please ask your system administrator.

Once you are correctly set up, you should make a working directory in which to run Cerius2. You should have write access to such directories. (Write access is necessary because symbolic links and log files are created in the startup (run) directory during a Cerius2 session.) You may want to create subdirectories in which to store related Cerius2 files for each of your projects and use one of these as your run directory.

Start a regular Cerius2 session by changing (cd) to the desired run directory and entering at the UNIX prompt:

>	cerius2

A specific example of starting Cerius2 is presented under Starting Cerius2.

Initial layout of the Cerius2 screen

The key GUI elements are the main control panel, which contains the Visualizer controls, the model window, in which models are displayed, and the text window, which is used to display text messages. Their initial screen orientation is shown below (except that the large square window should be black on your screen)

Main control panel

The main control panel contains the Visualizer controls and is therefore your primary point of interaction with Cerius2. All control panels are obtained directly or indirectly from the main control panel. Unlike ordinary control panels however, the main control panel should not be resized. You may stow (iconify) the main control panel by clicking the stow button on the window border. This stows all open Cerius2 windows to a single icon on your desktop. If you try to close it, a warning message appears, asking you to confirm that you want to quit the Cerius2 session.

For details on using the main control panel, please see Using the main control panel.

Model window

Cerius2 provides real-time 3D graphic display of models in the model window. The models displayed, the style of display, model orientation, and so on are determined primarily by Visualizer controls accessible from the main control panel (see, for example, Managing Models and Sessions and Viewing and Displaying Models). The mouse, function keys, and cursor keys can also be used to effect rotations, translations, and scaling. The mouse is also used to select atoms for various operations.

Mouse and keyboard shortcuts

Summaries of mouse and keyboard shortcuts available in the model window are accessible from the Help pulldown menu on the main control panel menu bar (by selecting Help/Topics/Mouse Operations... or Help/Topics/Keyboard Operations...). Information on mouse and keyboard operations can also be found in Mouse and Keyboard Actions.

Text window

Cerius2 uses the text window primarily to display text messages. However, you can use it to enter shell commands (prefixed by an exclamation point), Tcl scripting language commands, and comments. To learn more about Cerius2 scripting, see Using Cerius2 Command Scripts.


However, do not try to start programs that take over the window (such as vi or rn) in this window.  

Using the mouse--the basics

Mouse buttons

Cerius2 controls are operated with the mouse. The mouse has three buttons that perform different general functions:


The actions of the mouse buttons can differ, depending on whether the cursor is over control panels, in the model window, or over tables or graphs. A summary of all mouse button functions is contained in Mouse and Keyboard Actions.  

Mouse activities

Certain words are generally used in indicating what to do with the mouse. Unless otherwise specified, they always mean to use the left mouse button. (The types of controls are described under Types of controls.)


Using the main control panel

The main control panel controls the Cerius2·Visualizer. Functionalities are collected into related groups of controls:

Parts of the main control panel

The menu bar contains pulldown menus that provide access to all Visualizer tools. For descriptions of the menu bar entries, see The menu bar.

The toolbar provides a set of frequently used Visualizer tools, some of which are duplicated in control panels relating to model viewing and selection. For full details, see The toolbar.

The model manager enables you to control the selection, editing, and saving of models in the Cerius2 modeling environment. The model manager is described fully under Handling multiple models.

Application modules are represented by menu cards grouped into card decks in the deck of cards menu. For more information, see Deck of cards menu.

Window manager controls, located in the window border, allow you to stow all open Cerius2 windows to a single icon on your desktop.

The menu bar

The menu bar is found at the top of the main control panel:

The items on the menu bar provide click-and-drag access to related sets of controls:

Keyboard shortcuts

The functions of several pulldown menu items can also be carried out by using keyboard shortcuts (generally <Alt>-key combinations) when the cursor is in the model window. Relevant key combination are shown beside the item on the pulldown menu itself. See also Keyboard shortcuts.

The toolbar

The toolbar is located just below the menu bar in the main control panel:

Some controls on the toolbar duplicate functions of control panels relating to model viewing and selection; others provide unique functionality.

Types of controls in the toolbar

The model manager

The model manager enables you to control the selection, editing, and saving of models in the Cerius2 modeling environment.

The model manager is described fully under Basic model management tasks.

Deck of cards menu

The deck of cards menu on the main control panel provides easy access to application modules and their controls

Access to application modules

The exact appearance of the deck of cards menu depends on which application modules you have purchased. Each module that is added to the Cerius2 interface is represented by a menu card. Some menu card entries provide direct access to control panels; others (whose labels end with an arrow) give access to pullright menus, which each give access to a control panel. A Reset control (shown in red letters) appears on most cards and can be used to reset the controls for that module.

You can select a specific deck of cards from the deck selector popup (by clicking and dragging). Alternatively, you can cycle backwards or forwards through available card decks by clicking the left or right directional buttons next to the deck selector popup.

Menu cards are grouped into decks of 1-5 cards, which usually represent modules having related functionality. To bring any card in the current deck to the front, simply click the card's title.


You can customize the deck of cards menu by using controls in the Utilities pulldown menu on the main control panel's menu bar. You can make new decks, name them, change the card order, and so on. For details, see Customizing the Interface.

Controls and control panels


Control panels are windows that contain functionally grouped Cerius2 controls. Many different control types are available, each designed to provide an intuitive method of invoking an action, providing a value, setting an option, or selecting an item. The control panel below illustrates many types of controls.

Types of controls


Different types of controls are distinguished by their appearance. For instance, popups are yellow, two-state controls (which can be on or off, checked or unchecked, etc.) are purple or green (respectively), and buttons that perform an immediate action when clicked are blue.

Labels and shape

A control's function is generally indicated by labels (words) on or next to the control and/or by a graphical icon. A control's function may also be suggested by its shape (e.g., a slider or a dial, which you manipulate by clicking and dragging).

Except for the deck of cards itself, all buttons and menu items that provide access to a control panel are followed by an ellipsis (...). For example, selecting a menu item or clicking a button labeled Preferences... brings up a control panel that enables you to set related preferences.

Functions of typical controls

The label on a labeled button indicates what action occurs if you click the button.


To enter the exponent portion of a double-precision number in an entry box that is used for entering numbers, use an E followed by a signed number, for example, enter 1.234e-4 for 0.0001234 and enter 1.234e4 for 12340.0.  

Functions of specific controls

If you are unsure about the function of a particular control, click it with the right mouse button to obtain help (see On-screen help).

Buttons in the control panel window border

Clicking the close button in the upper right corner of the control panel border closes the control panel.

Clicking the button in the upper left corner gives access to some of your system's window-manager functions.

Managing control panels

Opening control panels

To access a control panel, you select a menu item from the main Visualizer control panel (The menu bar), select an item from a card (Deck of cards menu), or click a pushbutton in an open control panel. Instructions for accessing particular control panels are given throughout this guide.


Often, a control panel can be accessed in several different ways. Since Cerius2 is amodal, it makes no difference how you access a particular control panel or whether you close and reopen it or just leave a frequently used panel open on the computer screen.  

Closing control panels

To close a control panel, click the close button in the upper right corner of the control panel's border.

To close all open control panels, click the clear panels tool on the toolbar of the Visualizer main panel.

Cascading control panels

To group all open control panels into an orderly cascade, click the cascade panels tool on the toolbar of the Visualizer main panel.

Stowing all Cerius2 windows to an icon

To stow all open Cerius2 windows to a single icon on your desktop, click the stow button on the upper window border of the main control panel. To open the windows again, simply click the icon on your desktop.

Additional information

More advanced management of control panels, including customization so that certain control panels are opened whenever you start Cerius2, is discussed under Control panel management.

Information sources

On-screen help

While using Cerius2, you can obtain information about every control and menu item by using the on-screen help facility. To obtain a help window, move the cursor over the control or menu item and click the right mouse button. A window containing the requested help text appears in the center of the screen. Click the help window to close it or click the right mouse button over another item to obtain more help.

If you allow the cursor to rest over many controls, a small balloon help message appears, identifying the tool's function.

General information about Cerius2 and basic GUI operations is available from the Help pulldown menu on the main control panel's menu bar.


An example of using the Cerius2 help facility is presented in Accessing on-screen help.

Menu card searching

The menu card search tool on the main control panel's toolbar gives access the Menu Card Search control panel. You can use this control panel to search for a keyword used anywhere in the menu card deck hierarchy or in menu items accessed via the menu bar. The search is case-insensitive, and wildcards can be used. For details, see the on-screen help associated with the controls in this control panel.

Messages and status information


When you request that Cerius2 perform some procedure with potentially important consequences (e.g., loss of data), a warning message window appears. These windows typically give you a chance to confirm or cancel your request or to make an alternative request, by clicking a push-button control.

Typical controls include:

Time-consuming processes

When Cerius2 is busy processing a command issued from the Visualizer or an application module, a Cerius2 message window indicating the status of the job may be displayed. This window can take several forms, depending on the nature of the command in process. In some, a moving bar indicates progress. In others, where progress is less easily quantifiable, a diamond-shaped activity indicator appears.

During such periods of prolonged activity, you cannot perform any other Cerius2 tasks except basic mouse-controlled model-viewing actions. If the command in process can be stopped cleanly before its scheduled conclusion, the message window contains an INTERRUPT button.

Click the INTERRUPT button (if present) to stop processing the command. A warning window (see Warnings) with several options appears, giving you the chance to confirm your choice or change your mind.

When Cerius2 is iconified

If a process is running when you stow the main control panel to a desktop icon (see Managing control panels), the Cerius2 icon displays a progress meter.

Other windows

Other windows, containing controls and/or static or dynamic information, appear as needed. Some examples (and where you can find more information on them) are:

Last updated April 08, 1999 at 07:25PM Pacific Daylight Time.
Copyright © 1999, Molecular Simulations Inc. All rights reserved.