Quantum 1 Modules

C       DMol3--Running in Standalone

This appendix discusses the basic steps for setting up and running a DMol3 calculation in standalone mode (that is, outside the Cerius2·DMol3 interface). DMol3 may be run in standalone mode directly or by executing a DMol3 run script.

Detailed documentation of the standalone keywords, which are contained in the .input file, is contained in DMol3--Keyword Descriptions.


A DMol3 run can be set up in a standalone manner, completely outside the Cerius2 environment. To do this, you need at least two files: an input file (run_name.input, below) containing command keywords to control the calculation, and a file containing the molecular coordinates (run_name.car, documented at MSI's website: http://www.msi.com/doc).

Creating and modifying input files

You should create the initial model structure and the DMol3 input file by using the Cerius2·DMol3 module.

You can write the input file with a text editor. However, it is much easier to create an input from the Cerius2·DMol3 interface. Then save this file by opening the DMol3 Input File control panel (Handling and naming DMol3 input files) and clicking the Save DMol3 Input File action button. This creates a run_name.input file which you can edit if needed.

Computational environment

You also have to set your computational environment so as to access the license files and DMol3 data files. (This task can be handled by a run script instead, see below.)

Running DMol3 directly

If dmol3 is a link to the DMol3 executable, then you can run the program directly by entering at the UNIX prompt:

>	dmol3 run_name 
For example:

>	dmol3 h2o
This command performs a calculation on a water molecule using the starting geometry of water contained in the file called h2o.car and following the instructions contained in a file called h2o.input.

If you need to specify point charges, a Hessian file, a restart file for energy, geometry optimization, or frequency calculations, and/or the starting orbital occupancy, then additional input files are needed.

Handling such runs, as well as cleaning up various scratch files, is facilitated by Running DMol3 from a run script.

Running DMol3 from a run script

It is usually easier to run standalone DMol3 from a run script, rather than directly using just an input file and a structure file. You can create a DMol3 run script by using the Cerius2·DMol3 module.

Alternatively, you can start from an existing DMol3 run script. An example run script called dmol3.run is located in the DMol3 data directory and is printed in the next section.

Once a run script called dmol3.run is ready, it can be used to submit a DMol3 job by entering at the UNIX prompt, for example:

>	dmol3.run  h2o
This command performs a calculation on a water molecule using the starting geometry of water contained in the file called h2o.car and following the instructions contained in a file called h2o.input.

Example run script


The example dmol3.run script needs to be customized to include the actual locations of the license, data, and dmol3 executable files at your site. You need to decide as well, which of the result and scratch files should be deleted after the run ends.

#! /bin/csh -f


#  $NAME Run script designated to run DMol3 background job



#  User is encouraged to customize this script

#  WARNING: this script will remove most of the restart and

#  result files. The only surviving files are  .outmol

#  new geometry (.car), 

#  hessian files (.hesswk, .hessian),

#  SCF vectors (.tpvec),

#  history of oprimization (.arc),

#  original .car and .hessian files (.orig),

#  MD history file (.his),

#  files for ploting (.grid)




#  To run dmol3 standalone just type:


#    dmol3.run run_name  &


#  where run_name is the NAME of the system


#  DMol3 expects that at least NAME.car and NAME.input exist

#  in the cwd, running directory.

#  Optionally you may need to provide specific files to restart

#  DMol3 run.


# Unalias commands, just in case

unalias rm

unalias cp

set NAME  = $1


setenv C2DIR /cx4/release/irix64.x11/cerius2_c38

# License setup

source $C2DIR/install/lic_setup

# Set some environmental variables

setenv DMOL3_DATA $C2DIR/res/DMOL3

setenv DMOL3 $C2DIR/exec/dmol3

# Check that the executable of DMol3 exists

if ( -e $DMOL3 ) then

  # Remove existing outfile, if it exists

  if ( -e $NAME.outmol ) /bin/rm $NAME.outmol

  # Save an orignal copy of the car file

  if ( ! -e $NAME.car.orig ) then

    /bin/cp $NAME.car $NAME.car.orig


  # Save an orignal copy of the hessian file

  if ( ! -e $NAME.hessian.orig ) then

    if ( -e $NAME.hessian ) then

      /bin/cp $NAME.hessian $NAME.hessian.orig



  # Now, run the $NAME executable



  echo `The DMOL3 executable cannot be located.'

  echo `Alternatively, there may be a problem with your Cerius2 installation.'


# the following section has to be checked very carefuly before running

# the script, so the only not needed files are removed


# restart for frequency

#if ( -e $NAME.hesswk ) then

#   rm $NAME.hesswk


# restart for optimization

#if ( -e $NAME.hessian ) then

#   rm $NAME.hessian


# SCF restart file

#if ( -e $NAME.tpvec ) then

#   rm $NAME.tpvec


# history of optimization

#if ( -e $NAME.arc ) then

#   rm $NAME.arc


# MD history file

#if ( -e $NAME.his ) then

#   rm $NAME.his


# old restart for SCF

if ( -e $NAME.tpotl ) then

   rm $NAME.tpotl


# restart for volumetric properties

if ( -e $NAME.tmesh ) then

   rm $NAME.tmesh


if ( -e $NAME.tpsmx ) then

   rm $NAME.tpsmx


# results of properties run

# density of states

if ( -e $NAME.dos ) then

   rm $NAME.dos


# optical absorption

if ( -e $NAME.optabs) then

   rm $NAME.optabs


# remove all the plot files

#  rm *.grd

# Occupancy file

if ( -e $NAME.occup ) then

   rm $NAME.occup


# Remove the following scratch files

if ( -e $NAME.basis ) then

   rm $NAME.basis


if ( -e $NAME.grad ) then

   rm $NAME.grad


if ( -e $NAME.inatm ) then

   rm $NAME.inatm


if ( -e $NAME.incoor ) then

   rm $NAME.incoor


if ( -e $NAME.opt ) then

   rm $NAME.opt


if ( -e $NAME.outatom ) then

   rm $NAME.outatom


if ( -e $NAME.pchk ) then

   rm $NAME.pchk


if ( -e $NAME.startspin ) then

   rm $NAME.startspin


if ( -e $NAME.sym ) then

   rm $NAME.sym


if ( -e $NAME.symdec ) then

   rm $NAME.symdec


if ( -e $NAME.symdv ) then

   rm $NAME.symdv 


if ( -e $NAME.torder ) then

   rm $NAME.torder


if ( -e $NAME.tpdiis ) then

   rm $NAME.tpdiis


if ( -e $NAME.tpdiisk ) then

   rm $NAME.tpdiisk


if ( -e $NAME.tplev1 ) then

   rm $NAME.tplev1


if ( -e $NAME.tplev2 ) then

   rm $NAME.tplev2


if ( -e $NAME.fwv ) then

   rm $NAME.fwv


if ( -e $NAME.amat ) then

   rm $NAME.amat


if ( -e $NAME.prf ) then

   rm $NAME.prf


For an IBM, the following modification of the dmol3.run file is needed, for example:

setenv C2DIR /cx4/release/ibmrios.x11/cerius2

What happens during a DMol3 run

Main output file

Upon completion of the run, the main results are written to a file called run_name.outmol.

DMol file use and creation during a run

DMol3 uses input files which reside in the DMOL3_DATA directory.

A DMol3 run begins with parsing of the .input file. This may result in creating auxiliary files .startspin and .opt. The .opt file contains input data for the optimization module.

The .car file is read and a DMol3 internal geometry file .incoor is created.

Next, the symmetry of the molecule is investigated. This results in the creating of two symmetry files .sym and .symdec.

The basis set is created automatically using .inatm input and the result is placed in a .basis file. The output of the atom run is stored in an .outatom file.

The .torder file contains information on molecular grid generation.

The .fwv file is created only during an indirect run of DMol3.

Several files are always created during SCF, energy calculations. These are .tpotl, .tpvec, .tpsmx, .tmesh, and .occup. The .tpotl file contains an analytic representation of the Coulomb potential, .tpvec file stores SCF eigenvectors and eigenvalues together with occupation numbers, .tpsmx contains the kinetic energy and overlap matrix, and .tmesh file has the numerical grid information needed for restarting a properties calculation. The .occup file contains information on the occupation of the orbitals.

If the level shift technique is used, then .tplev1 and .tplev2 scratch files are needed.

Typically, SCF convergence is attained using the DIIS procedure. This results in production of a .tpdiis file.

Geometry optimization leads to the formation of several files: .grad contains gradient information, .pchk contains the history of optimization, .hessian is an updated Hessian, and .arc accumulates consecutive .car files generated during geometry optimization.

Molecular dynamics and simulated annealing runs lead to the formation of .arc and .his files which contain the history of the run.

A frequency calculation results in a .hesswk file, which stores gradient data from all finite-difference calculations of the Hessian.

Properties calculations may result in several plot files (.grd), an optical absorption spectrum and intensity file (.optabs), and density-of-states information (.dos).

COSMO calculations lead to the formation of a .cosmo file, which contains information about the COSMO charge density on the cavity surface surrounding the molecule. Also, a large file .amat is created which contains the A matrix of the COSMO run. This is a scratch file and is removed by the running DMol3 script.

Last updated December 06, 1998 at 11:51AM Pacific Standard Time.
Copyright © 1998, Molecular Simulations, Inc. All rights reserved.