Cerius2 OFF

3       Minimization

You use the same basic tools to minimize a periodic or nonperiodic model (optimize its conformation) and to calculate the energy of the model in its current conformation without changing atom positions.


The Cerius2·Minimizer module contains reasonable default settings for many of the topics discussed in this section. However, you may want or need to override default settings, depending on your model and the purpose of your calculation.
Paragraphs that are flagged with When is this needed? let you decide whether you need to read that section.

This section explains

This section includes information on:

Setting up the calculation

Performing a calculation

Table 3 . Finding information about minimizing models

If you want to know about: Read:
Finding the Minimizer module.  
Accessing the tools.  
Finding the MMFF module.  
Accessing the tools.  
Forcefield and simulation theory.  
Forcefield-Based Simulations.  
Available and recommended forcefields.  
Forcefield-Based Simulations, Choosing a forcefield.  
Choosing and loading a forcefield.  
Which forcefield?, Manually loading a forcefield.  
Choosing what terms to include in the energy expression.  
Preparing the energy expression.  
Preparing the model for a simulation, assigning atom types and charges.  
Preparing the system.  
Biasing the simulation, favoring a conformation, constraining cell parameters.  
Setting constraints and restraints.  
Choosing a minimizer.  
Minimization algorithm.  
Applying stress and/or pressure.  
Pressure and stress in periodic systems.  
Run-termination criteria.  
Convergence criteria.  
Graphs, model update, text output, trajectory files.  
Specifying output.  
Starting a minimization run.  
Calculating energy of current structure.  
Current energy.  
Analysis of minimizatin results.  
Analyzing Results.  

You should already know...

Forcefield-Based Simulations (separately published by MSI) contains information on the theory and general methodology for performing forcefield-based minimizations and energy calculations. It includes topics such as what minimization is, some typical uses, strategies and general procedure for setting up and performing minimizations, how the minimization algorithms work, when to use which algorithm, and convergence criteria.


Please read Preparing the System for how and when you need to load a forcefield, prepare the model by assigning atom types, constraints, etc., choose appropriate forcefield terms, and set up the energy expression. See especially the paragraphs that are flagged with When is this needed? The tasks in Preparing the System (whether optional or required) must be performed before those discussed in this section.

Accessing the tools

Most tools for setting up and running a forcefield-based minimization are accessed from one of the decks of cards in the main Visualizer control panel, the OFF METHODS card deck.

To access the Cerius2·Minimizer module, click the deck selector in the main control panel and choose OFF METHODS from the list that appears. Then click the title of the MINIMIZER card to bring it to the front (if it is not already there). The deck of cards menu area should now look like this:

If you want to minimize a model with the MMFF93 forcefield, you need to access the Cerius2·MMFF module: Click the deck selector in the main control panel and choose MMFF from the list that appears. The MMFF card is the only one in this deck.


Except where specifically noted as referring to MMFF, all discussion in this section refers to the C2·Minimizer that is part of C2·OFF.

Setting up the calculation

Once you have prepared the model and the energy expression (see Preparing the System), you need to set up the calculation, that is, to specify the calculation conditions and desired output.

Finding information

This section includes information on:

Minimization algorithm

Pressure and stress in periodic systems

Termination criteria

Specifying output

Minimization algorithm

Several minimization algorithms are provided, including a "smart" minimizer, which uses a robust but less accurate algorithm near the beginning of the calculation and a less robust but highly accurate one near the end of the run.

When is this needed?

If the default minimizer is sufficient to your needs, you do not need to read this section. However, you should read this section if you want to examine and/or change the default settings.

You should already know...

Forcefield-Based Simulations, Minimization, contains full information on how the various minimizers work and their advantages and disadvantages, to enable you to choose the best one to use for your model and calculation.

Accessing the tools

Select the Run menu item from the MINIMIZER card to access the Energy Minimization control panel. Click the Preferences... pushbutton to the right of the minimizer-choice popup to access the Minimizer Preferences control panel.

For MMFF, select the Run menu item from the MMFF card to access the MMFF Energy Minimization control panel. Click the Controls... pushbutton in this control panel or the Controls menu item in the MMFF card to access the MMFF Minimizer Controls control panel.

Choosing a minimizer

In C2·OFF, to choose what minimization algorithm(s) to use during your simulation, set the minimizer-choice popup in the Energy Minimization control panel as desired.

In MMFF, set the Method popup in the MMFF Minimizer Controls control panel to the desired minimizer.

Controlling the minimizer

To examine or change various parameters that control the chosen minimizer, use the controls in the Minimizer Preferences control panel. Typical controls include the maximum displacement allowed for any atom, the precision of the search for a minimum, variants of the method (if available), and criteria for individual iterations.

Additional information

Please see the on-screen help for details on the functioning of each control in the control panels mentioned in this section.

Pressure and stress in periodic systems

Constraints can be applied to periodic models by fixing unit cell parameters (Setting constraints and restraints) or by applying external stress or pressure (this section). The results obtained from running minimizations under these conditions can be used to study the mechanical properties of bulk materials.

When is this needed?

Stress and pressure are relevant only for simulations of periodic systems. You must specifically define any stress and/or pressure that you want to apply. Otherwise none is applied.

Related information

Atomic and cell constraints, as well as harmonic restraints on atoms, are discussed under Setting constraints and restraints.

To generate a stress-strain curve, use the Mechanical Properties module, which is documented separately.

You should already know...

Information on pressure and stress is contained in Forcefield-Based Simulations under Pressure and stress.

Accessing the tools

Select the Constraints/External Stress menu item from the MINIMIZER card to access the Minimizer External Stress control panel. The controls available in this panel depend on whether the current model is 2D- or 3D-periodic.

Specifying stress and/or pressure

Specify the individual components of the stress in the entry boxes in the External Stress section of the Minimizer External Stress control panel.

Specify the pressure in the Equivalent hydrostatic pressure entry box.

To reset the stress and pressure to zero, click the Reset External Stress action button.

Additional information

Please see the on-screen help for details on the functioning of each control in the Minimizer External Stress control panel.

Termination criteria

A minimization run ends when either the convergence criteria (see Convergence criteria) are met or the maximum number of calculation iterations (Maximum number of iterations) has been performed.

Finding information

This section includes information on:

Convergence criteria

Maximum number of iterations

Convergence criteria

When is this needed?

If the default convergence criteria are sufficient to your needs, you do not need to read this section. However, you should read this section if you want to examine and/or change the default settings.

You should already know...

Forcefield-Based Simulations, under Convergence criteria contains full information on convergence criteria and on how strict they need to be, depending on the purpose of your calculation. The significance of the minimum-energy structure is discussed on Significance of minimum-energy structure.

Accessing the tools

Select the Run menu item from the MINIMIZER card to access the Energy Minimization control panel. Click the Preferences... pushbutton to the right of the CONVERGENCE popup to access the Minimizer Convergence Criteria control panel.

For MMFF, select the Run menu item from the MMFF card to access the MMFF Energy Minimization control panel. Click the Controls... pushbutton in this control panel or the Controls menu item in the MMFF card to access the MMFF Minimizer Controls control panel.

Quick-set of convergence criteria

To quickly set the convergence criteria in C2·OFF, you can use the CONVERGENCE popup in the Energy Minimization control panel to choose moderate, standard, or high criteria. You can examine exactly what these settings are by looking at the Minimizer Convergence Criteria control panel.

Detailed specification of convergence criteria

For detailed control over termination criteria in C2·OFF (whether or not you first use the CONVERGENCE popup in the Energy Minimization control panel), use the controls in the Minimizer Convergence Criteria control panel:

In MMFF, enter the tolerance for the stopping criterion in the RMS Force entry box in either the MMFF Minimizer Controls or the MMFF Energy Minimization control panel.

Additional information

Please see the on-screen help for details on the functioning of each control in the control panels mentioned in this section.

Maximum number of iterations

When is this needed?

If the default maximum number of iterations is sufficient to your needs, you do not need to read this section. However, you should read this section if you want to examine and/or change the default setting.

Accessing the tools

Select the Run menu item from the MINIMIZER card to access the Energy Minimization control panel.

For MMFF, select the Run menu item from the MMFF card to access the MMFF Energy Minimization control panel. Click the Controls... pushbutton in this control panel or the Controls menu item in the MMFF card to access the MMFF Minimizer Controls control panel.

Setting the maximum number of iterations

To change the maximum number of iterations before a run terminates in C2·OFF, enter the desired number in the Maximum Number of Iterations entry box in the Energy Minimization control panel.

In MMFF, enter the maximum number of iterations in the Number of Minimization Steps entry box in either the MMFF Minimizer Controls or the MMFF Energy Minimization control panel.

Additional information

Please see the on-screen help for details on the functioning of each control in the control panels mentioned in this section.

Specifying output

The type and amount of information that may be displayed during the course of a minimization includes plots of the total potential energy, the individual energy components, and rms force (all plotted vs. the minimization step number). You can also specify the level of detail of textual information that appears in the text window.

When is this needed?

If the default output specifications are sufficient to your needs, you do not need to read this section. However, you should read this section if you want to examine and/or change the default settings.

The desired output is specified before starting the calculation, since they cannot be efficiently calculated after the run is complete.

Related information

Cerius2 Modeling Environment, Working with Graphs, gives information on managing graphs (Managing graphs) and controlling aspects of their display (Displaying and editing graphs). Printing graphs is discussed on Printing models and graphs.

Technical notes

The higher the frequency with which output occurs, the more time the calculation requires. Thus, for large models, you may want to turn off nonessential output or decrease its frequency or amount.


The model is always updated when a minimization ends successfully. If you want to keep the original structure, save it or copy it to another directory before starting the minimization.

Accessing the tools

Select the Output menu item from the MINIMIZER card to access the Minimizer Output control panel.

For MMFF, select the Run menu item from the MMFF card to access the MMFF Energy Minimization control panel. Click the Output... pushbutton in this control panel or the Output menu item in the MMFF card to access the MMFF Output Commands control panel.

Specifying graphs

To display a graph of total energy and/or other measurements vs. iteration step number while the calculation is running, use the controls in the Graph section of the Minimizer Output control panel to select what to graph, how often to add a new point to the graph, and whether to append this run's graph to any existing graph.

The measurements available for graphing depend on the type of model being simulated (i.e., whether it is periodic or nonperiodic, and if periodic, whether the cell parameters are constrained).

Updating the model display

To choose whether the model display should be updated to reflect the most recently calculated conformation, and how often the display should be updated, use the controls in the Model section of the control panel.

Text output

To control the amount, timing, and frequency of text output to the text window, use the controls in the Text section of the control panel.

MMFF offers control over only the error tolerance level and the amount of output messages and warning messages.

Trajectory file output

To write information about the minimization to a file and to specify the file name and frequency of output, use the controls in the Trajectory File section of the control panel.

Additional information

Please see the on-screen help for details on the functioning of each control in the control panels mentioned in this section.

File formats

File formats are documented in File Formats.

Performing a calculation

This section includes information on:


Current energy

You should already know...

Information on the general procedure for minimizations is contained in Forcefield-Based Simulations under General methodology for minimization.


When is this needed?

The minimum action required for performing a minimization simulation is to click the Minimize the Energy pushbutton in the Energy Minimization control panel. Of course, any changes to default settings discussed elsewhere in this section should be made before starting the run.

Accessing the tools

Select the Run menu item from the MINIMIZER card to access the Energy Minimization control panel.

For MMFF, select the Run menu item from the MMFF card to access the MMFF Energy Minimization control panel.

Starting the minimization run

To start the minimization job, click the Minimize the Energy action button in the Energy Minimization control panel.

For MMFF, click the MINIMIZE pushbutton in the MMFF Energy Minimization control panel.

Additional information

Please see the on-screen help for details on the functioning of each control in the Energy Minimization and MMFF Energy Minimization control panels.

Current energy

When is this needed?

The minimum action required for calculating the current energy of your model in C2·OFF is to click the Calculate the Current Energy pushbutton in the Energy Minimization control panel. Of course, any changes to default settings discussed elsewhere in this section should be made before starting the run.

Accessing the tools

Select the Run menu item from the MINIMIZER card to access the Energy Minimization control panel.

For MMFF, select the Run menu item from the MMFF card to access the MMFF Energy Minimization control panel.

Calculating the current energy

To calculate the current energy of the model without changing the position of any atoms, click the Calculate the Current Energy action button in the Energy Minimization control panel.

For MMFF, click the Calculate Current Energy action button in the MMFF Energy Minimization control panel.

The results are displayed in the text window.

Additional information

Please see the on-screen help for details on the functioning of each control in the Energy Minimization and MMFF Energy Minimization control panels.

Last updated March 27, 1998 at 01:06PM Eastern Standard Time.
Copyright © 1997, 1998, Molecular Simulations Inc. All rights reserved.