Please read the Information for User page for general information if you have not done so.


Mass Spectrometry:    See Prof. Mark Bier,  You must be considered a regular user to qualify for training.  A regular user will do mass spectrometry analysis, at least, once every two weeks.    Training typically starts within one-week after you have read the operator’s manual (2-3 hours).   A time will be set up with the MS instructor and will usually include 2-3 other students.   We are in the process of developing an exam that you will need to pass before you can use the mass spectrometer or your choice.


If you are not a regular user, you should print out and complete a MS Sample Submission form and drop it off with your sample in MI551.   Incomplete forms will cause a delay in your analysis. 



Photon Spectroscopy:   To train on these instruments you should read the operator’s manuals and then see Prof. Mark Bier if needed,



NMR:    See Prof. Roberto Gil.  Email: