- Danith H. Ly
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Dr. Danith H. Ly
- Professor
- Email: dly@andrew.cmu.edu
- Tel: (412) 268-4010
- Lab: (412) 268-5579
Dr. Ly was born and raised in Cambodia. He received his Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering and Minor in Philosophy from Georgia Institute of Technology in 1994. He received his Ph.D in Organic Chemistry in 1998, also from Georgia Institute of Technology under the supervision of Prof. Gary B. Schuster. He did his postdoctoral work at UC Berkeley and at Scripps Research Institute under the supervision of Prof. Peter G. Schultz, 1998–2001. He joined the Department of Chemistry at Carnegie Mellon University in 2001 as an Assistant Professor.
An Educational Journey Leading to a Career in Science [pdf presentation] [powerpoint presentation]