Cerius²·Forcefield Engines

4       Dynamics Simulation

Dynamics simulations can be performed on periodic and nonperiodic models. Unlike minimization calculations, dynamics simulations enable you to investigate the behavior and properties of systems at nonzero temperatures.

Several types of dynamics simulations can be performed with the C2·Dynamics module. These include constant-volume/constant-energy dynamics, constant-pressure/constant-enthalpy dynamics, and constant-temperature/constant-pressure (-volume) dynamics. Additionally, impulse, quenched, and annealing simulations can be performed.


Cerius2 contains reasonable default settings for many of the topics discussed in this section. However, you will probably need to override default settings, depending on your model and the purpose and stage of your calculation.

Paragraphs that are flagged with When is this needed? let you decide when you need to read that section.  

This section explains

This section includes information on:

Setting up the calculation

Performing a calculation

Table 4 . Finding information about dynamics simulation

If you want to know about: Read:
Finding the Dynamics module.   Accessing the tools.  
Forcefield and simulation theory.   Forcefield-Based Simulations.  
Available and recommended forcefields.   Forcefield-Based Simulations, Choosing a forcefield.  
Choosing and loading a forcefield.   Which forcefield?, Manually loading a forcefield.  
Choosing what terms to include in the energy expression.   Preparing the energy expression.  
Biasing the simulation, favoring a conformation, constraining cell parameters.   Setting constraints and restraints.  
Performing a preliminary minimization.   Minimization.  
Chemically realistic simulations.   Dynamics conditions--the thermodynamics ensemble.  
Available thermodynamics ensembles.   Concepts.  
Controlling kinetic or thermodynamic temperature.   Temperature control.  
Applying constant stress and/or pressure.   Pressure and stress control.  
Quenched dynamics.   Periodic tasks.  
Simulated annealing.   Periodic tasks.  
The integration timestep.   Timestep and duration of run.  
Graphs, model update, text output, trajectory files.   Specifying output.  
Single-run simulations.   Simple dynamics runs.  
Two-stage runs (equilibrium followed by data collection).   Equilibration stage, Data-collection stage.  
Restarting dynamics   Continuing or restarting interrupted or incomplete runs, Restarting dynamics runs from saved trajectory files.  
Analysis of dynamics results.   Analyzing Results.  

You should already know...

Forcefield-Based Simulations (separately published by MSI) contains information on the theory and general methodology for performing forcefield-based dynamics simulations. It includes topics such as what dynamics does, some typical uses, strategies and general procedure for setting up and performing dynamics simulations, how the dynamics integrators work, the choice of timestep and temperature, thermodynamic ensembles, control of temperature, stress, and pressure, and the concept of multistage runs.


Please read Preparing the System for how and when you need to load a forcefield, prepare the model by assigning atom types, constraints, etc., and prepare the forcefield by choosing appropriate terms and setting up the energy expression. See especially the paragraphs that are flagged with When is this needed? The tasks in Preparing the System (whether optional or required) must be performed before those discussed in this section.

In addition, you almost always need to minimize the system (see Minimization) before performing a dynamics simulation, and you may want to perform minimization either periodically during a dynamics run or after the run, on several conformations that were output from the run.

Accessing the tools

Most tools for setting up and running a forcefield-based dynamics simulation are accessed from one of the decks of cards in the main Visualizer control panel, the OFF METHODS card deck.

To access the C2·Dynamics module, click the deck selector in the main control panel and choose OFF METHODS from the list that appears. Then click the title of the DYNAMICS SIMULATION card to bring it to the front. The deck of cards menu area should now look like this:

Setting up the calculation

Once you have prepared the model and the forcefield (Preparing the System) and run a preliminary minimization (Minimization), you need to set up the calculation, that is, to specify the calculation conditions and desired output.

Finding information

This section includes information on:

Dynamics conditions--the thermodynamics ensemble

Temperature control

Pressure and stress control

Periodic tasks

Timestep and duration of run

Specifying output

Dynamics conditions--the thermodynamics ensemble

Simply integrating Newton's equations of motion allows you to explore the constant-energy surface of a system. However, most natural phenomena occur under conditions where a system is exposed to external pressure and/or exchanges heat with the environment. These conditions can also be simulated.

When is this needed?

If you want the default conditions (constant volume and energy with temperature scaling), you do not need to read this section. However, it is common to use this NVE dynamics only for the equilibration stage of a simulation and then to switch to some other conditions for the data-collection stage.

Related information

Control of temperature (Temperature control) and of pressure or stress (Pressure and stress control) are covered below.

You should already know...

Information on thermodynamics ensembles and equilibrium thermodynamic properties is contained in Forcefield-Based Simulations under Statistical ensembles.


The C2·Dynamics module allows several thermodynamics ensembles to be simulated:

NVE dynamics with temperature scaling is often used to quickly bring a system to a desired temperature.

Technical notes

NVE dynamics is the only ensemble that may be used with impulse dynamics (How it works).

Accessing the tools

Select the Run menu item from the DYNAMICS SIMULATION card to access the Dynamics Simulation control panel.

What conditions are constant?

Specify which conditions (volume, energy, temperature, pressure, and/or enthalpy) are to be maintained constant by selecting the appropriate control in the box below Dynamics Methods in the Dynamics Simulation control panel.

Additional information

Please see the on-screen help for details on the functioning of each control in the Dynamics Simulation control panel.

Temperature control

You can control the kinetic temperature of a system to quickly bring it to equilibrium at some temperature. Alternatively, you can control the thermodynamic temperature to generate the correct statistical ensemble (so that probability of occurrence of a certain configuration obeys the laws of statistical mechanics).

When is this needed?

The required method of temperature control to use depends on the run conditions (what factors are kept constant, Dynamics conditions--the thermodynamics ensemble) and the purpose of the simulation.

Related information

Simulated annealing, in which the temperature is varied in cycles from one temperature to another and back again, is discussed under Periodic tasks.

You should already know...

Information on the Maxwell-Boltzmann relationship between atomic velocities and temperature, theory and application of methods of temperature control, the relaxation time, etc. is contained in Forcefield-Based Simulations under How temperature is controlled.

How it works

The initial temperature is used for generating a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of initial atomic velocities. Velocities are randomly assigned automatically to individual atoms so that the distribution is around either twice your specified target temperature (the default behavior, after which the velocities quickly readjust to the target temperature itself) or your specified target temperature (which is required if you have already equilibrated the system at the desired temperature in a previous run that you want to continue).

You can also manually assign velocities to selected atoms, for impulse dynamics.

For NVE and NPH dynamics (Dynamics conditions--the thermodynamics ensemble), you can keep the temperature within a given range of a target temperature. Atomic velocities are simply scaled (which is chemically nonrealistic and so not used for true temperature control in NVT and NPT dynamics, next paragraph) when the average temperature drifts outside a specified temperature window.

For NVT and NPT dynamics, you keep the thermodynamic (not kinetic) temperature constant by, in effect, allowing the simulated system to exchange energy with a heat bath. Three methods are available: Nosé (1984), Nosé-Hoover (Hoover 1985), and Berendsen (Berendsen et al. 1984), referred to in the C2·Dynamics interface as NOSE, HOOVER, and T_DAMPING, respectively.

Technical notes

Impulse dynamics can be used only with NVE dynamics (Dynamics conditions--the thermodynamics ensemble) and cannot be used with simulated annealing (Periodic tasks).

The Nosé method does not provide evenly spaced trajectory points and thus should not be used for autocorrelation studies.

Accessing the tools

Select the Run menu item from the DYNAMICS SIMULATION card to access the Dynamics Simulation control panel.

To access additional controls relevant to your chosen thermodynamic ensemble, click the Preferences... pushbutton to the right of that ensemble in the Dynamics Simulation control panel.

To access the Impulse Dynamics Preferences control panel, click the Preferences... button to the right of the Impulse Dynamics control in the Dynamics Simulation control panel.

To access the Molecular Dynamics Controls control panel, select the Dynamics Controls menu item from the DYNAMICS SIMULATION card.

Setting the initial temperature

To set the initial temperature for a simulation, enter a value in the Required Temperature entry box of the Dynamics Simulation control panel.

If you want the initial velocities to be assigned around the target temperature (rather than twice the target temperature, see How it works), uncheck the Assign Velocities by Doubling Temperature check box in the Molecular Dynamics Controls control panel.

To manually assign explicit initial velocity vectors to selected atom(s), enter the speed and direction in the appropriate entry boxes in the Impulse Dynamics Preferences control panel and click the Assign Velocity action button.

To assign initial velocities of zero to selected atom(s), click the Zero Initial Atom Velocities action button in the impulse Dynamics Preferences control panel.

Temperature scaling

For NVE or NPH dynamics:

This control also affects the averaging of other properties (see the on-screen help), which are reported to the text window (Text output).

Coupling to a thermal bath

For NVT and NPT dynamics:

Tightness of control

Additional information

Please see the on-screen help for details on the functioning of each control in all the control panels mentioned in this section.

Pressure and stress control

Pressure is another basic thermodynamic variable that defines the state of the system.

When is this needed?

Constant-pressure and -stress methods are valid only for 3D periodic systems. These methods are not used unless you request them.

Related information

Atomic and cell constraints, as well as harmonic restraints on atoms, are discussed under Setting constraints and restraints.

To generate a stress-strain curve, use the Mechanical Properties module, which is documented separately.

You should already know...

Information on pressure and stress and how they are controlled is contained in Forcefield-Based Simulations under Pressure and stress. This includes information on pressure, stress, the Parrinello-Rahman method of pressure and stress control, sign conventions, the mass-like factor W, etc.

Technical notes

The mass-like parameter W is equal to the Cell Mass Prefactor times the total mass of the atoms in a unit cell.

Accessing the tools

Select the Run menu item from the DYNAMICS SIMULATION card to access the Dynamics Simulation control panel.

To access additional controls, click the Preferences... pushbutton to the right of the CONSTANT NPH or CONSTANT NPT control to open the NPH Dynamics Preferences or NPT Dynamics Preferences control panel, respectively.

Rate of volume change

You can control the rate of change of the volume/shape matrix in constant-pressure dynamics (NPH or NPT) by specifying a Cell Mass Prefactor in the NPH Dynamics Preferences or NPT Dynamics Preferences control panel.

Specifying stress

For NPH and NPT dynamics:

Specifying pressure

Since pressure is the negative isotropic component of the (normal) stress tensor, values entered in some of the entry boxes mentioned here may change values that appear in other entry boxes.

Tightness of control

Additional information

Please see the on-screen help for details on the functioning of each control in all the control panels mentioned in this section.

Periodic tasks

In addition to relatively simple dynamics simulations, it is also possible to combine dynamics and minimization in one simulation. In quenched dynamics, periods of dynamics are followed by a quench period in which the structure is minimized. In simulated annealing, the temperature is altered in defined increments from an initial temperature to a final temperature and back again. This cycle can be repeated, and the lowest-energy structure obtained in each cycle can be minimized.

When is this needed?

The tasks discussed in this section are not performed unless you request them.

You should already know...

Information on simulated annealing and quench dynamics is contained in Forcefield-Based Simulations under Types of dynamics simulations.


In quenched dynamics, periods of dynamics are each followed by a quench period in which the structure is minimized. You can specify the simulation time between quenches and the number of minimization steps. The quenched structure can be written to a trajectory file, and dynamics is continued with the prequenched structure.

In simulated annealing, the temperature is changed by adjusting the kinetic energy of the structure (by scaling the velocities of the atoms). At the end of each temperature cycle, the lowest-energy structure of that cycle can be minimized and saved in a trajectory file. Annealing continues using the last structure and velocities from the previous cycle.

Technical notes

Simulated annealing cannot be used with impulse dynamics (How it works).

Accessing the tools

Select the Run menu item from the DYNAMICS SIMULATION card to access the Dynamics Simulation control panel.

To access additional controls, click the Preferences... pushbutton to the right of the Quench Dynamics or Anneal Dynamics controls to access the Quench Dynamics Preferences or Anneal Dynamics Preferences control panel, respectively.

To access the Molecular Dynamics Controls control panel, select the Dynamics Controls menu item from the DYNAMICS SIMULATION card.

Quench dynamics

To request a quenched dynamics run, check the Quench Dynamics check box in the Dynamics Simulation control panel.

To set the number of dynamics steps between minimizations, the maximum number of minimization steps, and (for periodic models) the number of atom-optimization steps per cell-optimization step, use the appropriate entry boxes in the Quench Dynamics Preferences control panel.

You can save the quenched (minimized) structures in a special trajectory file (Trajectory file output). The dynamics simulation continues with the prequenched structure.

Simulated annealing

To request simulated annealing, check the Anneal Dynamics check box in the Dynamics Simulation control panel.

To set the number of annealing cycles (complete temperature-change cycles from initial to mid-cycle to initial temperature), the temperatures at the beginning and middle of each complete annealing cycle, the temperature increment, and the length of time to spend at each temperature step, use the appropriate entry boxes in the Anneal Dynamics Preferences control panel.

You can also use the Anneal Dynamics Preferences control panel to request that the model be minimized once for each annealing cycle. The lowest-energy conformation found in each cycle is then minimized, and dynamics continues with the last structure and set of velocities obtained in the just-completed annealing cycle.

You can save the lowest-energy structure from each annealing cycle in a special trajectory file (Trajectory file output).

Charge recalculation

If you are using the Universal Forcefield (UFF) on a model in which Coulombic interactions are important, have assigned atomic charges by the charge equilibration method (Assigning charges), and expect the conformation to change so much as to invalidate the initially assigned charges, then you should request periodic recalculation of the charges with controls in the Periodic Tasks section of the Molecular Dynamics Controls control panel.

Additional information

Please see the on-screen help for details on the functioning of each control in all the control panels mentioned in this section.

Timestep and duration of run

A key parameter in the integration algorithms is the integration timestep t. To make the best use of the computer time, a large timestep should be used. However, too large a timestep causes instability and inaccuracy in the integration process.

When is this needed?

You need to read this section only if the default timestep or run length is inadequate to your needs.

You should already know...

Forcefield-Based Simulations, Molecular Dynamics, contains full information on the various integration algorithms, choosing an appropriate timestep, and the effect of timestep on integration errors.

Accessing the tools

Select the Run menu item from the DYNAMICS SIMULATION card to access the Dynamics Simulation control panel.

Setting the timestep

To specify the duration of the timesteps to be used in your simulation, enter a value in the Dynamics Time Step entry box in the Dynamics Simulation control panel.

Duration of the run

To specify the simulated duration of the entire dynamics run, enter a value in the Number of Steps entry box in the Dynamics Simulation control panel.

Additional information

Please see the on-screen help for details on the functioning of each control in the Dynamics Simulation control panel.

Specifying output

Dynamics data are typically saved to one or more trajectory files, which may be compared to videos of the simulation run. In addition, graphs and textual information can be continuously displayed and the model's conformation in the model window can be updated as the run proceeds.

When is this needed?

You need to read this section only if the default output is inadequate to your needs.

Related information

Cerius2 Modeling Environment, Working with Graphs, gives information on managing graphs (Managing Graphs) and controlling aspects of their display (Displaying and editing graphs). Printing graphs is discussed on Printing models and graphs.

You should already know...

Information on trajectory files and their uses is contained in Forcefield-Based Simulations under Dynamics trajectories.

Technical notes

Values for energies and temperature that are graphed are averaged over the previous 50 steps to provide a smooth curve. Thus, it appears to take 50 steps for the plots to settle down. The first point represents the instantaneous value; the 10th point is the average of the first 10 steps; the 50th point is the average of steps 1-50; the 60th point is the average of points 11-60, and so on.

For graphs of volume or pressure, the cumulative average is calculated using all values from the start of the run to the current point.

Three types of trajectory files may be requested: for any dynamics simulation, for minimized structures obtained during quenched dynamics, and for low-energy structures obtained by simulated annealing. The default filename extensions are .trj, qtrj, and .atrj, respectively.

The .trj file contains periodic snapshots of the atomic coordinates, energies, and (optionally) velocities.

The .qtrj and .atrj files contain atomic coordinates for the requested structures.

Accessing the tools

To access the Dynamics Trajectory Output control panel, select the Trajectory/Output menu item from the DYNAMICS SIMULATION card. Alternatively, if the Dynamics Simulation control panel is open, click its Trajectory... pushbutton.

To access the Dynamics Output Preferences control panel, select the Output menu item from the DYNAMICS SIMULATION card. Alternatively, if the Dynamics Simulation control panel is open, click its Output... pushbutton.

Specifying graphs

To specify what types of calculated intermediate results should appear in graphs that are updated as the simulation proceeds, check or uncheck the appropriate check boxes in the Plot section of the Dynamics Output Preferences control panel. (Output of volume and cell parameters is of course valid only for 3D-periodic models.)

To specify the frequency with which the graphs are updated (but not the number of data points plotted) and the width of the scrolling graph display (in ps), enter values in the appropriate entry boxes in the Plot section of the Dynamics Output Preferences control panel.

At the end of the run, if you want to display parts of the graph that have scrolled off its left side or top, you can rescale the graph or scroll its axes (Cerius2 Modeling Environment, Working with Graphs).


The higher the frequency with which graphs and model displays are updated, the more time the calculation requires. Thus, for large models or long simulations, you may want to turn off nonessential output or decrease its frequency or amount.  

Updating the model display

To change the frequency with which the display of the model is updated as the simulation proceeds, change the value in the Model Update Frequency entry box in the Dynamics Output Preferences control panel.

To turn off updating of the model display (until the end of the simulation), uncheck the Update Model check box in the Dynamics Output Preferences control panel.


The model is always updated when a dynamics simulation is terminated. If you want to keep the original structure, save it or copy it to another directory before starting the run.  

Text output

To set the level of detail of information that appears in the text window during a simulation, select an item from the Information Level popup in the Dynamics Output Preferences control panel.

To change the duration over which the various properties (see the on-screen help) that are reported in the text window are averaged, change the value in the Dynamics Averaging Length entry box in the Molecular Dynamics Controls control panel (Temperature scaling).

Trajectory file output

To specify the type of trajectory file(s) to output, check the Create Dynamics Trajectory file, Create Anneal Dynamics Trajectory, and/or Create Quench Dynamics Trajectory check boxes in the Dynamics Trajectory Output control panel to obtain .trj, .atrj, and/or .qtrj files, respectively.

To request that atomic velocities be included in the output to a .trj file, check the Include Velocities check box.

To specify the frequency with which data are output to a .trj file, enter a value in the Trajectory Update Frequency entry box.

To specify a root filename for all types of trajectory files for the run you are setting up, enter a name in the Filename Prefix entry box. For example, if you enter insulin as the filename prefix, then the ordinary trajectory file is named insulin.trj and a quenched trajectory file is named insulin.qtrj.

When successive runs are performed on the same model within the same session, data from successive runs are simply appended to any requested trajectory files.

If the same filename(s) are requested in a subsequent Cerius2 session, a message window appears giving you the option to overwrite the previous files, backup the previous files and start new files, or cancel the run (and then input a different root filename).

If you want to append data to files produced in an earlier Cerius2 session, you need to first select the appropriate trajectory files by using the Dynamics Trajectory Input control panel and clicking the Append Run to Selected File action button in that control panel.

Additional information

Please see the on-screen help for details on the functioning of each control in the Dynamics Trajectory Output and Dynamics Output Preferences control panels.

File formats

File formats are documented in File Formats.

Performing a calculation

After the run has been completely set up (Setting up the calculation), you can start the run. If the default run conditions are sufficient to your needs, clicking the RUN DYNAMICS pushbutton in the Dynamics Simulation control panel is all that is needed to perform a dynamics simulation. (However, most dynamics simulations are performed for purposes that require nondefault conditions during at least some stage of the entire simulation.)

Finding information

This section includes information on:

Simple dynamics runs

Equilibration stage

Data-collection stage

Continuing or restarting interrupted or incomplete runs

Restarting dynamics runs from saved trajectory files

You should already know...

Information on the general procedure for dynamics simulations is contained in Forcefield-Based Simulations under General methodology for dynamics calculations.

Simple dynamics runs

When is this needed?

The C2·Dynamics module allows you to run several types of dynamics simulations as single, continuous runs. For example, quenched dynamics and simulated annealing do not require you to run the simulation in several distinct stages.

Accessing the tools

Select the Run menu item from the DYNAMICS SIMULATION card to access the Dynamics Simulation control panel.

Starting a run

If this is not the first dynamics simulation in the current Cerius2 session, click the Reset button in the Dynamics Simulation control panel. Specify all the desired run setup conditions and any desired output (see Setting up the calculation).

Finally, start the dynamics run by clicking the RUN DYNAMICS button in the Dynamics Simulation control panel.

Additional information

Please see the on-screen help for details on the functioning of each control in the Dynamics Simulation control panel.

Equilibration stage

The purpose of equilibration is to prepare the system so that it comes to the most probable configuration consistent with the target temperature and pressure.

When is this needed?

The equilibration stage (this section) is generally a short dynamics simulation designed to quickly bring the system to the conditions that will be used in the data-collection stage (Data-collection stage) of the simulation.

You should already know...

Information on equilibration in dynamics simulations is contained in Forcefield-Based Simulations under Equilibration stage and Has equilibrium been achieved?.

Technical notes

Impulse dynamics may be used during the equilibration stage, to bias the starting structure (Setting the initial temperature).

Accessing the tools

To access the Dynamics Simulation control panel, select the Run menu item from the DYNAMICS SIMULATION card.

To access the Dynamics Trajectory Output control panel, select the Trajectory/Output menu item from the DYNAMICS SIMULATION card. Alternatively, if the Dynamics Simulation control panel is open, click its Trajectory... pushbutton.

Starting a run

If this is not the first dynamics simulation in the current Cerius2 session, click the Reset button in the Dynamics Simulation control panel. Specify all the desired run setup conditions and any desired output (see Setting up the calculation).

If you will want to change any dynamics settings (e.g., the thermodynamics ensemble) before running the data-collection stage (Data-collection stage), you need to specify that a trajectory file that includes velocities be saved (Trajectory file output) during the equilibrium run. Otherwise, velocities are reassigned when you start the subsequent run.

Finally, start the equilibration stage of the dynamics run by clicking the RUN DYNAMICS button in the Dynamics Simulation control panel.

Additional information

Please see the on-screen help for details on the functioning of each control in the Dynamics Simulation and Dynamics Trajectory Output control panels.

Data-collection stage

After equilibrating the system at the target temperature and pressure, you can begin collecting data and statistics.

When is this needed?

After the system has been brought to equilibration (Equilibration stage), more carefully controlled conditions and a longer run are generally used for data collection (this section). For example, you may equilibrate your model with NVE dynamics (Dynamics conditions--the thermodynamics ensemble) and temperature scaling (Temperature control) and then switch to one of the temperature-bath methods (Temperature control) for a chemically realistic simulation during which data are collected. Simulated annealing (Periodic tasks) or quenching (Periodic tasks) may also be done during this stage.

You should already know...

Information on the data-collection stage in dynamics simulations is contained in Forcefield-Based Simulations under Production (data-collection) stage and How long should the simulation be?.

Accessing the tools

To access the Dynamics Simulation control panel, select the Run menu item from the DYNAMICS SIMULATION card.

To access the Dynamics Trajectory Input control panel, select the Trajectory/Input menu item from the DYNAMICS SIMULATION card.

Starting a run under the same conditions

If you want to continue the run under exactly the same conditions as used in the immediately preceding equilibrium stage (Equilibration stage), make sure that the Assign Velocities by Doubling Temperature check box in the Molecular Dynamics Controls control panel is not checked (Setting the initial temperature), and do not click any Reset buttons, since you want to start this run with your already-equilibrated structure.

Start the data-collection stage of the dynamics run by clicking the RUN DYNAMICS button in the Dynamics Simulation control panel.

Starting a run under different conditions

If you want to change any conditions between the equilibrium and data-collection stages of your simulation, make any desired changes to the run setup conditions (for example, switching from NVE to NVT dynamics and setting the thermostat and other controls). Be sure to specify the desired output (Specifying output).


Do not change the model itself between the equilibrium and data-collection stages of the run. For example, changing the positions of some atoms means the changed structure is no longer at equilibrium, and changing bond orders produces a different model. The C2·Dynamics module handles such irregularities reasonably, but the results may not be what you would have obtained with a re-equilibrated run.  

Use the Dynamics Trajectory Input control panel to select the trajectory file that was output by the equilibrium run (Restarting dynamics runs from saved trajectory files). Make sure that the Use Coordinates and Use Velocities check boxes are checked. Assure that the Frame entry box is set to the last conformation in the file and click the Extract Frame action button.

Be sure that the Assign Velocities by Doubling Temperature check box in the Molecular Dynamics Controls control panel is not checked (Setting the initial temperature), and do not click any Reset buttons, since you want to start this run with your already-equilibrated structure.

Finally, start the data-collection stage of the dynamics run by clicking the RUN DYNAMICS button in the Dynamics Simulation control panel.

Additional information

Please see the on-screen help for details on the functioning of each control in the Dynamics Simulation and Dynamics Trajectory Input control panels.

Continuing or restarting interrupted or incomplete runs

When is this needed?

If you have interrupted a dynamics run by clicking the INTERRUPT button in the Cerius2 Interrupt window that appears while a run is in progress, you may want to restart the run under exactly the same conditions, starting from where the interrupted run ended. You can also restart it from the beginning of the run.

You should already know...

Information on restarting simulation runs is contained in Forcefield-Based Simulations under Restarting a dynamics simulation.

Technical notes

The Reset button in the Dynamics Simulation control panel resets only the atomic velocities, step counter, and graphs. This is a much more limited reset than that performed by the Reset menu item on the DYNAMICS SIMULATION card, which returns all dynamics controls to their default values.

The trajectory from the most recently finished or interrupted run is retained in memory and therefore does not need to be loaded. However, if you want to restart a run somewhere in the middle (rather than at the beginning or end), you need to restart the run from a saved trajectory file Restarting dynamics runs from saved trajectory files).

Accessing the tools

To access the Dynamics Simulation control panel, select the Run menu item from the DYNAMICS SIMULATION card.

Restarting or continuing the most recent run

To restart the last interrupted run under the same conditions at exactly the point at which it ended or to simply continue the most recent run from its last step, just click the RUN DYNAMICS button in the Dynamics Simulation control panel. Unless you want to equilibrate the structure again, be sure that the Assign Velocities by Doubling Temperature check box in the Molecular Dynamics Controls control panel is not checked (Setting the initial temperature).

To restart the last interrupted run using the same setup conditions but starting over again from the beginning of the run, click the Reset button in the Dynamics Simulation control panel and then click the RUN DYNAMICS button. (The reset occurs automatically if you change the model or the dynamics setup.)

Additional information

Please see the on-screen help for details on the functioning of each control in the Dynamics Simulation control panel.

Restarting dynamics runs from saved trajectory files

When is this needed?

If you want to continue a run that was completed in some previous Cerius2 session or is not the most recent run of the current session, you can start a run using a saved trajectory file as input.

If you want to restart the most recent run from somewhere other than its beginning or end (previous section), you also need to start with its saved trajectory file.

You can restart the simulation from the end of the saved run or from any point within the saved trajectory file.

You should already know...

Information on restarting simulation runs is contained in Forcefield-Based Simulations under Restarting a dynamics simulation.

How use file browsers is covered in Cerius2 Modeling Environment, under Finding model file(s).

How it works

If you want to start a run that was ended during a previous Cerius2 session or that is not the most-recently finished run in the current session, you need to specify both a trajectory file and how you want to handle it.

The trajectory file, conformation number, and type of data (coordinates and/or velocities) to be used for the restart are specified using the options on the Dynamics Trajectory Input control panel. You click the appropriate action button to indicate whether you want to append (start from the end of the file) or extract (start from a specified conformation). The same method, variables, and output files can be used for the new dynamics run, or new ones can be specified.

Technical notes

The input data can be from any dynamics trajectory file (.trj, .qtrj, or .atrj), and you can specify that coordinates or velocities or both are to be used. If no velocity data are input, then velocities are assigned. If no coordinate data are input, then the coordinates from the current model are used.

You should usually analyze the data from a dynamics run before doing a restart. This is done using the functions on the ANALYSIS menu card. The results of an analysis indicate the conformation number to use to restart dynamics. For example, you can determine the lowest-energy conformer as the starting point for a restart or you can continue a run with a particular set of velocities.

Accessing the tools

To access the Dynamics Trajectory Input control panel, select the Trajectory/Input menu item from the DYNAMICS SIMULATION card.

To access the Dynamics Simulation control panel, select the Run menu item from the DYNAMICS SIMULATION card.

Using a saved trajectory file

To specify a trajectory file, use the file browser to navigate the directory structure and find the desired file. Then either double-click its name in the file browser of the Dynamics Trajectory Input control panel or click its name and then click the SELECT pushbutton.

If you want to use the atomic coordinates and/or velocity data from the selected trajectory file, assure that the appropriate check box in the Dynamics Trajectory Input control panel is checked. (If you do not use either the coordinates or the velocities from the trajectory file, you will be starting a new run, starting from the coordinates of the current model and newly assigned velocities.)

To request that the last conformation in the file be used as input to your run, click the Append Run action button.

Or, to restart the run from a particular point in that file, select the conformation ("frame") to use by entering an integer in the Frame entry box (or by entering a value in the Time entry box) and click the Extract Frame action button.

Starting a run from a saved trajectory file

Once you have specified the trajectory file and how to use it (Using a saved trajectory file), specify any other changes you want to make to the run setup (see Setting up the calculation) and then click the RUN DYNAMICS button in the Dynamics Simulation control panel.

Additional information

Please see the on-screen help for details on the functioning of each control in the Dynamics Simulation and Dynamics Trajectory Input control panels.

File formats

File formats are documented in File Formats.

Last updated July 09, 1998 at 07:49PM PDT.
Copyright © 1997, 1998 Molecular Simulations Inc. All rights reserved.