Cerius²·Forcefield Engines

2       Preparing the System

You need to properly set up the model and the forcefield before running any calculation that depends on a forcefield. Cerius2·OFF automatically includes a reasonable default setup. However, you may optimize your calculation by exercising control at nearly every stage of forcefield setup. You may, for example:


Cerius2·OFF can perform many of the steps discussed in this section without your input (see Automated vs. manual forcefield setup). But if you override the default settings, then you need to be sure to perform various tasks in the correct order. In addition, some tasks are optional and thus are never done automatically.

Paragraphs that are flagged with When is this needed? tell you when you need to perform tasks that may be either automated or under your direct control and let you decide whether you need to read that section.  

This section explains

This section includes information on:

Choosing a forcefield

Preparing the system

Preparing the energy expression

Table 1 . Finding information about preparing the system

If you want to know about: Read:
Finding the Open Force Field module.   Accessing the tools.  
Finding the MMFF module.   Accessing the tools.  
Using the Cerius2·Discover module.   MSI Forcefield Engines: CDiscover.  
Forcefield and simulation theory.   Forcefield-Based Simulations.  
Available and recommended forcefields.   Forcefield-Based Simulations, Choosing a forcefield.  
Choosing and loading a forcefield.   Which forcefield?, Manually loading a forcefield.  
General strategy for setting up simulations.   Forcefield-Based Simulations.  
Atom types and atom typing.   Forcefield-Based Simulations, Manually assigning forcefield atom types.  
Fractional bond orders.   Manually assigning bond types.  
van der Waals and Coulombic (electrostatic) interactions   Handling nonbond interactions.  
Biasing the simulation, favoring some model conformation.   Setting constraints and restraints.  
Nonbonds and model size and periodicity.   Methods, types of models, and recommendations.  
The final potential energy expression.   Manually setting up the energy expression.  

You should already know...

Forcefield-Based Simulations (separately published by MSI) contains information on the theory and general methodology for performing forcefield-based calculations. It includes topics such as the functional form of various forcefields, what are atom types, what kinds of parameters are included in forcefields, rules for atom typing and for generating parameters, what forcefields are available in MSI products.

Accessing the tools

Most tools for preparing the forcefield and model for a forcefield-based calculation are accessed from one of the decks of cards in the main Visualizer control panel, the OFF SETUP card deck.

To access the C2·OFF (Open Force Field) module, click the deck selector in the main control panel and choose OFF SETUP from the list that appears. Then click the title of the OPEN FORCE FIELD card to bring it to the front (if it is not already there). The deck of cards menu area should now look like this:

To access the C2·MMFF module, click the deck selector in the main control panel and choose MMFF from the list that appears. The MMFF card is the only one in this deck.


Except where specifically noted as referring to MMFF, all discussion in this section refers to Cerius2·OFF.  

Choosing a forcefield

The forcefield forms the basis of many energy calculations performed from within Cerius2. Except for Cerius2·MMFF. which connects to the Merck molecular forcefield (see Loading the MMFF94 forcefield) of T. A. Halgren, all the simulation methods discussed in this documentation set rely, at least implicitly, on the Open Force Field module. Any nondefault forcefield (other than MMFF and the forcefields used via the Cerius2·Discover module) is loaded through the Open Force Field module, and the energy expression is set up using either the Open Force Field module or an energy expression unique to the specialized application module. Once the energy expression is correctly set up for a model, its energy and derivatives can be calculated and used in simulations whenever required in the current Cerius2 session.

Choosing the correct forcefield is vitally important in getting reasonable results from energy calculations. Forcefield-Based Simulations contains full documentation of what forcefields are best for which purposes. In summary:

Use Forcefield filename
General-purpose.   cff91_950_1.01, cff95_950_1.01, UNIVERSAL1.02, cvff_950_1.01, DREIDING2.21  
Polymers, metals, and zeolites.   pcff_300_1.01, pcff2_400_1.01  
Zeolites.   bks1.01, burchart1.01, burchart1.01-DREIDING2.21, burchart1.01-UNIVERSAL1.02, cvff_300_1.01  
Sorption module.   sor_yashonath1.01, sor_demontis1.01, sor_pickett1.01, watanabe-austin1.01  
Morphology module.   morph_lifson1.11, morph_momany1.1, morph_scheraga1.1, morph_williams1.01  
Inorganic oxide glasses.   glassff_2.01  
Polyvinylidene fluoride polymers.   msxx_1.01  
Not recommended except for validation of old work.   forcefields in archive and untested directories, cff93_1.01  

Finding information

This section includes information on:

Specifying automated forcefield loading and setup

Manually loading a forcefield

Related information


The MMFF94 forcefield is automatically loaded and set up when you select any control in the MMFF card. This section applies only to forcefields in C2·OFF.  

You should already know...

Forcefield-Based Simulations (Forcefields) contains full information on what forcefields are available in MSI products and their recommended uses.

Specifying automated forcefield loading and setup

When is this needed?

Forcefield loading and setup is automated by default. You need to read this section only if you want to change which forcefield is to be loaded or how automated setup is done, or if you want to turn off automated setup.

Two approaches are available for using the Open Force Field module to prepare an energy expression to use in simulation and application modules, and you should decide which to use before loading a nondefault forcefield:

Automated vs. manual forcefield setup

Automated setup must, of course, be specified before a nondefault forcefield is loaded (and it is, by default). The procedure is described in this section. You need to modify the automated setup controls only if the default settings do not meet your needs or if you have used manual setup earlier in the current Cerius2 session and later want to specify automated setup.

You should already know...

Reasons for choosing various forcefields are outlined in Forcefield-Based Simulations, Forcefields.

How to use file browsers is covered in Cerius2 Modeling Environment, under Finding model file(s).

Accessing the tools

Select the Energy Expression/Automate Setup menu item from the OPEN FORCE FIELD card to access the Automate Energy Setup control panel.

Automating forcefield loading and setup

To automatically load a forcefield when it is needed, check the Load force field check box in the Automate Energy Setup control panel.

Which forcefield?

To specify which forcefield is to be loaded automatically, click the Preferences... pushbutton to access the Load Preferences control panel. To choose a forcefield to be loaded, double-click its filename in the list box or click the filename and press <Enter> on the keyboard. It is generally best to leave the Use options check box in this control panel checked.

Atom typing

To automatically calculate and assign atom types for the current model when the forcefield is loaded, check the Perform atom typing check box in the Automate Energy Setup control panel.


You can label a model according to forcefield atom types by setting the label popup on the main control panel's toolbar to FFTYPE.  

Bond typing

To automatically assign fractional bond orders for the current model when the forcefield is loaded, check the Calculate bond order check box.


You can display a model's fractional bond orders by selecting View/Display Attributes... from the menu bar and setting the All/Selected Bond Attributes Label popup to FRACTIONAL.  

Energy expression setup

To automatically set up the specific energy expression for the current model when required, check the Set up the energy expression check box.


If you load one forcefield and then decide to load another one, click Reset on the OPEN FORCE FIELD card before loading the subsequent forcefield, to be sure of completely reinitializing the forcefield and energy expression.  

Additional information

Please see the on-screen help for details on the functioning of each control in the Automate Energy Setup and Load Preferences control panels.

Manually loading a forcefield

When is this needed?

You may load a nondefault forcefield manually and still leave the automated setup controls (Specifying automated forcefield loading and setup) in their default condition.

If you do not use automated forcefield setup, you must manually load a forcefield in order to perform any forcefield-based calculation.

You should already know...

Reasons for choosing various forcefields are outlined in Forcefield-Based Simulations, Forcefields.

How to use file browsers is covered in Cerius2 Modeling Environment, under Finding model files.


The MSXX forcefield uses the Morse functional form for bond stretching, which means that the force goes to zero at large bond distances. Therefore this forcefield should not be used when starting a run with bad initial geometries.   Instead, use an alternative forcefield (e.g., the Universal forcefield) when starting from a bad geometry and then switch to the MSXX when close to the energy minimum.  

Accessing the tools

Select the Load menu item from the OPEN FORCE FIELD card to access the Load Force Field control panel. You would rarely need to click the Preferences... pushbutton, since it is generally best to leave the Use options check box in the Force Field Load Preferences control panel checked.

Manually loading a forcefield file

Use the filebrowser to find the forcefield filename that you want to use. Then load this forcefield by:


Additional information

Please see the on-screen help for details on the functioning of each control in the Load Force Field control panel.

The CFF forcefield

With a license, version 97 of the CFF forcefield is now available. The improvements to previous versions include explicit bond orders, new functional groups and a unified (conjugated/nonconjugated) alkene forcefield. As with previous versions of CFF, the forcefield may not be edited by the Force Field Editor module in Cerius2.

Loading the MMFF94 or MMFF94S forcefield

You can use MMFF94 or MMFF94S to perform a single energy calculation and to do energy calculations in the Cerius2 Alignment, Conformer Analysis, Conformer Search, and QSAR+ modules.

Accessing the tools

Select the Run menu item on the MMFF card to access the MMFF Energy Minimization control panel.

Requesting MMFF

For use within the MMFF module, the MMFF94 forcefield is automatically loaded when you open one of the control panels. Choose between the MMFF94 and MMFF94S forcefields using the ForceField popup.

If you want to use MMFF94 or MMFF94S in other modules, you need to check the Use MMFF For Energetic Calculations check box in the MMFF Energy Minimization control panel. Currently supported modules are indicated in the on-screen help.

Additional information

Please see the on-screen help for details on the functioning of each control in the MMFF Energy Minimization control panel.

Preparing the system

If you want to constrain or restrain parts of your model during a simulation run or if you are using a forcefield for which charges must be assigned manually, you need to read this section. Assignment of forcefield atom types and bond orders is generally done automatically.

Finding information

This section includes information on:

Manually assigning forcefield atom types

Manually assigning bond types

Assigning charges

Setting constraints and restraints

You should already know...

Building models is covered in Cerius2 Modeling Environment, Building Models, and in documentation for separate builder modules. Reading in models from files is Cerius2 Modeling Environment, under Loading model structure files.

Forcefield-Based Simulations (Preparing the Energy Expression and the Model) contains full information on the theory and general methodology for preparing the forcefield and the model for a forcefield-based simulation run.

Manually assigning forcefield atom types

Atom types must be assigned to each atom in a model before an energy expression can be set up.

When is this needed?

If you do not use automated forcefield setup (Specifying automated forcefield loading and setup), you must manually load a forcefield (Manually loading a forcefield) in order to perform any forcefield-based calculation. When the forcefield is loaded, automated performance of atom typing (Atom typing) is generally turned on, so that atom typing occurs when required. You do not need to read this section if that is the behavior you prefer.

However, you may, for example, need to manually assign or reassign nondefault atom type(s) to certain atoms or perhaps want to change some atom-typing rules (Creating and editing atom typing rules) and then reassign atom types. Or you may simply want to check what atom types are assigned by default before actually using the forcefield. If so, you need to read this section.


You can label a model according to forcefield atom types by setting the label popup on the main control panel's toolbar to FFTYPE to see if all atoms in your model are typed as expected. Atoms labeled with question marks have not had atom types assigned.  

In some cases it may be possible to simply ignore undefined energy terms (Other energy-expression terms); however, the results of any calculations using such an energy expression would probably not have much chemical validity. (If it is not possible to ignore undefined terms, Cerius2 aborts the calculation and sends an appropriate error message to the text window.)

You should already know...

Information on assignment of atom types is contained in Forcefield-Based Simulations under Assigning forcefield atom types and charges, and lists of atom types that are defined in various forcefields are found in Forcefield Terms and Atom Types.

Technical notes

In certain forcefields, two atom properties or attributes are associated with the atom type: mass and charge. You can choose to apply one or more of these attributes when you apply atom typing to the model.


A newly assigned atom type mass or charge replaces any previously assigned or calculated value. Also, if a forcefield has been parameterized without atom-type charges, it replaces any existing charges with zero.  

An atom-type charge is simply a fixed value associated with the atom types. Depending on the forcefield, overall neutrality of a model is may not be achieved by assigning forcefield atom types. With these forcefields, you may prefer to assign charges using the QEq calculation method. For information on this method, please see Assigning charges. You can also assign charges using MOPAC or some other calculation module.

Forcefields that include Coulombic terms also include parameterized atom-type charges. The exception is the Dreiding forcefield, where charges should be assigned to the model using the Charges module (Assigning charges).

A list of forcefields that do include nonzero atom-type charges can be found in Forcefield-Based Simulations.

The atom-type mass is usually, but not always, the normal atom mass. However, when a hydrogen atom is implicitly included in the atom type, the atom-type mass is larger than the atomic mass because the atom-type mass includes the mass of the hydrogen(s). For example, C_34 has a mass equal to the mass of carbon (12.011) plus the mass of four implicit hydrogens, 12.011 + 4 (1.008) = 16.043 AMU.

The atom-type hybridization is used for atom typing and in generating terms for the Universal forcefield (UFF). Hybridization information comes either from the forcefield or from the Cerius2 data model.


When using the GRAFDREIDING1.00 forcefield, if you load in a Biodesign (bgf) format structure file that already has the correct atom types assigned (for example, a structure that was atom typed using the default Dreiding forcefield rules and saved into a POLYGRAF Biodesign file with its default atom types), do not atom type the structure again.  

Accessing the tools

Select the Typing/Atoms menu item on the OPEN FORCE FIELD card to access the Force Field Atom Typing control panel.

Assigning atom types

You can set atom types for all or selected atoms in several ways:


For CVFF and the CFF family of forcefields, the forcefield's typing rules must be used in Cerius2·OFF. If you want to manually assign an atom type to selected atom(s) with these forcefields, you need to use Cerius2·Discover instead of Cerius2·OFF.  


For a large model or if you often have to reassign atom types for selected atoms, it may be more efficient to change the atom-typing rules (Creating and editing atom typing rules).  

Verifying atom type assignments

You can check the atom typing by labeling your model according to FFTYPE. You can also label according to MASS, CHARGES, and HYBRID to check the atom attribute assignments.

Repeat the atom type assignment procedure for selected atoms if you need to change some assignments.

Additional information

Please see the on-screen help for details on the functioning of each control in the Force Field Atom Typing, Attribute Assignments, and Force Field Atom Type Palette control panels.

Manually assigning bond types

For the Universal forcefield (UFF) only, bond types (fractional bond orders) must be assigned to each bond in a model before an energy expression can be set up.

When is this needed?

If you do not use automated forcefield setup (Specifying automated forcefield loading and setup), you must manually load a forcefield (Manually loading a forcefield) in order to perform any forcefield-based calculation. When UFF is loaded, automated performance of bond typing (Bond typing) is generally turned on, so that bond typing occurs when required. You do not need to read this section if that is the behavior you prefer.

However, you may, for example, need to manually assign or reassign nondefault bond type(s) to certain bonds or perhaps want to change some bond-typing rules (and then reassign bond types). Or you may simply want to check what bond types are assigned by default before actually using the forcefield. If so, you need to read this section.

Technical notes

Fractional bond order assignment is required only for the Universal forcefield. The assignment calculation is straightforward and based on the structure of the model, as shown in Table 2:

Table 2 . Fractional bond order in the Universal forcefield

Bond type Bond Order
Single.   1  
Amide link (C-N).   1.41  
Aromatic.   1.5  
Double.   2  
Triple.   3  


To obtain correct results when applying the UNIVERSAL1.02 forcefield manually, calculate fractional bond order after assigning atom types and before setting up the energy expression.  

Accessing the tools

Select the Typing/Bonds menu item from the OPEN FORCE FIELD card to access the Bond Order control panel.

Assigning bond order

You can either calculate the bond order or manually assign bond orders to bonds between all or selected atoms in your model.


You can label a model with its bond orders by selecting View/Display Attributes... from the menu bar and setting the All/Selected Bond Attributes Label popup to FRACTIONAL to see if all bonds in your model are typed as expected.  

Additional information

Please see the on-screen help for details on the functioning of each control in the Bond Order control panel.

Assigning charges

The Cerius2·Charges module is used to assign, edit, and calculate point charges. Functionality in the Charges module allows you to:

When is this needed?

For most forcefields (see Forcefield-Based Simulations), charges are automatically assigned when atom typing is done (Manually assigning forcefield atom types).

However, for UFF, charges should be assigned (unless you want calculations to be performed on models in which all atoms are completely neutral). You may use the Charges module to set charges manually or to calculate them. Alternatively, you may use one of the quantum mechanics programs to calculate charges.

In addition, you may sometimes want to assign charges instead of using those supplied with a forcefield. If so, you need to assign charges after atom types are assigned. Again, you may use the Charges module to set charges manually or to calculate them or you may use one of the quantum mechanics programs to calculate charges.

Related information

The quantum mechanics programs available in Cerius2 are documented in Quantum Mechanics: Chemistry, which is published separately by MSI.

You should already know...

Information on assignment of charges, the importance of proper charge assignment for accurate simulations, and the theory behind the Charges module is contained in Forcefield-Based Simulations under Assigning charges.

How it works

Charges can be rapidly calculated using the charge equilibration method of Rappé & Goddard (1991). This method of charge prediction takes into account the geometry and the electronegativities of the various atoms. Unlike in other methods such as that of Gasteiger & Marsili (1980), molecular conformation, not just connectivity, affects the charge calculation. The calculation is iterative for structures that contain hydrogens.

The Gasteiger and Marsili (1980) method rapidly calculates atomic changes in bonded and nonconjugated systems. Atoms are characterized by their orbital electronegativities. In the calculation, only the connectivities of the atoms are considered, so only the topology of a molecule is important. Through an iterative procedure, partial equalization of orbital electronegativity is obtained.

Technical notes

Charge equilibration calculations on molecules in very high-energy conformations lead to assignment of unrealistic charges. For some molecules, it is thus wise to perform a short minimization (Minimization) before calculating the charges.

Accessing the tools

To access the Cerius2·Charges module, click the deck selector in the main control panel and choose OFF SETUP from the list that appears. Then click the title of the CHARGES card to bring it to the front. Select the Charges menu item from the CHARGES card to access the Charges control panel.

Calculating charges

To calculate charges for your model, set the Calculation Method to Charge-Equilibration or Gasteiger. Click the Preferences... pushbutton to the right of your chosen method to check (and change, if desired) the parameters controlling the calculation. Then click the CALCULATE pushbutton in the Charges control panel.


You can label a model according to its atomic charges by setting the label popup on the main control panel's toolbar to CHARGES to see if all atoms in your model are charged as expected.  

Assigning charges

To manually assign charges to all or selected atoms, enter a charge in the Set to entry box in the Charges control panel and click the Set to action button.

To manually assign an overall net charge to all or a group of selected atoms, enter the average charge in the Average to entry box and click the Average to action button. This adds a calculated fixed charge to all (or selected) atoms so that the net charge is the value specified in the data entry box.

Additional information

Please see the on-screen help for details on the functioning of each control in the Charges control panel.

Setting constraints and restraints

Atom constraints enable you to fix the atomic coordinates of selected atoms during simulations. Fixing atoms simplifies the energy expression, since interactions between fixed atoms are constant and can be ignored. This decreases computational expense.

Harmonic restraints allow atoms some freedom of movement, but bias them toward some desired position. Cerius2·OFF allows you to apply harmonic restraint terms to selected distances, angles, torsions, and inversions (out-of-planes).

Uses of constraints and restraints

Use atom constraints when you want to apply minimization or dynamics to part of a model, keeping the remainder of the model fixed and rigid. For example, you can quickly minimize a sorbate in a zeolite by fixing the atom positions of the zeolite and allowing only the sorbate atoms to move.

Use harmonic restraints when you want to bias a structure in some way. For example, you may want to optimize a model, most of whose structure is experimentally known, but which contains some constituents that were not present or not well localized in the real chemical structure.

When is this needed?

Use of constraints and/or restraints is optional, whether automatic or manual forcefield setup (Specifying automated forcefield loading and setup) is used. If used, constraints and/or restraints must be set before the energy expression is generated (Manually setting up the energy expression). Automated energy expression normally occurs as the final step before a simulation run starts.

You should already know...

The functional forms of restraints, the difference between restraints and constraints, when to use constraints and restraints, and the types of restraints and constraints available are covered in Forcefield-Based Simulations, under Applying constraints and

Related information

You can specify that external stress or pressure (which may be viewed as a kind of restraint) be applied to a periodic system when you set up a minimization (Pressure and stress in periodic systems) or dynamics (Pressure and stress control) simulation.

How constraints work

Forces between fixed atoms are not included in the energy expression, but forces between fixed and mobile atoms are included. This means that the total energy value calculated for a given model depends on whether the model contains fixed atoms.

By default, all atoms are movable.


Atoms may be colored according to whether they are fixed or movable.  

Atoms fixed through the atom constraints facility are fixed only with regard to modules that depend on the forcefield. For example, while fixed atoms do not move during a minimization with the Cerius2·Minimizer module (because the Cerius2·Minimizer uses the Open Force Field), they do move during a clean procedure in the 3D-Sketcher (because the 3D-Sketcher is independent of the Open Force Field).

How restraints work

Distance, angle, torsion, or out-of-plane restraints may be applied to any selected set of 2, 3, 4, or 4 atoms, respectively. The atoms need not be bonded to one another. The functional form is:

Eq. 1

where K is the restraining force constant, x is the actual distance or angle, and x0 is the restrained distance or angle toward which you want to bias the structure.

When setting restraints for angles, torsions, and out-of-planes (defined as an improper torsion), you need to pick atoms in the correct order (see the on-screen help).

Accessing the tools

To constrain (i.e., fix) atoms, select the Constraints/Atoms menu item on the OPEN FORCE FIELD card to access the Atom Constraints control panel. Alternatively, select the Constraints/Atoms menu item on the MINIMIZER card (see Accessing the tools).

To constrain the cell parameters of 2D or 3D periodic systems, select the Constraints/Cell menu item on the MINIMIZER card to access the Minimizer Cell Constraints control panel. The contents of this control panel depend on the space group of the current model and whether it is 2D or 3D periodic.

To set a group of atoms as a rigid body, select the Constraints/Rigid Bodies menu item on the OPEN FORCE FIELD card to access the Atom Constraints control panel. Alternatively, select the Constraints/Rigid Bodies menu item on the MINIMIZER card.

To restrain atoms, select the Energy Terms/Restrains menu item on the OPEN FORCE FIELD card to access the Restraints control panel.

Constraining atoms

To set atom constraints, select the atoms whose positions you want to remain fixed during subsequent simulation runs. Then click the Fix Atomic Position action button in the Atom Constraints control panel.

To allow previously constrained atoms to move during subsequent simulation runs, select the atoms and click the Allow Atomic Motion action button.

This control panel also allows you to quickly check which atoms are fixed or movable, by coloring them distinctively.

You can also use the Color Selected Objects control panel to color atoms according to their movability (see Cerius2 Modeling Environment, Coloring atoms by properties).

Constraining cell parameters

To constrain all cell parameters for a periodic model, uncheck the Vary All Cell Parameters check box in the Minimizer Cell Constraints control panel. To constrain only certain cell parameters, uncheck the relevant check boxes in the Variable Cell Parameters section of this control panel. Depending on the space-group symmetry of the current model, certain cell parameters may always be fixed.

Constraining rigid bodies

To set rigid bodies automatically, click the button Locate Rigid Bodies. This defines each set of atoms connected by bonds as a separate rigid body.

To set rigid bodies manually, first select a set of atoms in the model window which you wish to become a rigid body. Then, click the Define Rigid Body button to define the selected atoms as a rigid body.


The minimizer will not allow an atom to be part of more than one rigid body. It currently requires that each atom belong to, at most, one rigid body. If an atom is located on a special position (i.e., one of the symmetry operations transforms it into itself), it usually belongs to two or more rigid bodies: the one it was originally defined with and its symmetry copies. Atoms on special positions should therefore not, at present, be included in a rigid body. For similar reasons, you should also avoid placing an atom and its symmetry copy into the same rigid body. It is easy to avoid such situations by rebuilding the molecule/crystal with lower symmetry.

You can view rigid bodies by clicking the Color Rigid Bodies button. The rigid bodies are labeled with different colors (separate colors are given to symmetry copies). Atoms not involved in rigid-body constraints are given their elemental colors. A warning is given if any atom is involved in more than one rigid body or if a rigid body involves atoms related by symmetry, since there is not a unique color choice in these circumstances.


You can reset the rigid body colors using the Color Selected Objects panel (accessible under View/Colors... on the main Cerius2 menu bar).

To remove rigid bodies, click the Remove Rigid Bodies button. This removes the rigid body(s) involving the selected atom(s). If no atoms are selected, all rigid bodies are removed, after user confirmation.

To select an entire rigid body, select an atom in the rigid body and click the Select Rigid Body button.

Restraining atoms

To set harmonic restraints among atoms, click the appropriate Define Restraints tool in the Restraints control panel. Additional controls appear, which you may change. Set the value of K (Eq. 1) with the Force Constant entry box and set the value of x0 by using the Use from Model check box or the Equilibrium entry box.

Then select (in order) the atoms whose distance or angle you want to restrain during subsequent simulation runs.

Set additional restraints in the same manner.

To remove previously set restraints, click the appropriate Delete Restraints tool and select the atoms. You can remove all restraint terms at once by clicking the Delete all restraints action button.


If you restrain atoms, be sure that the Harmonic check box in the Energy Terms Selection control panel (Other energy-expression terms) is checked (it should be checked by default if harmonic restraints are available in the chosen forcefield).  

You can turn display of restraints in the model window off or on by clicking the Visualization... pushbutton in the Restraints control panel to open the Visualization Preferences control panel.


Checking the Guide? check box in the Restraints control panel gives you on-screen help (in the upper left corner of the model window) on setting restraints.

Additional information

Please see the on-screen help for details on the functioning of each control in the control panels mentioned in this section.

Preparing the energy expression

If you have a large model, you probably do not want to calculate the nonbond interactions between all possible pairs of atoms not bonded to each other, to decrease computational expense. Or you might want to modify or remove other terms in the forcefield expression. Otherwise, setup of the energy expression specific to your model is generally handled automatically.

Finding information

This section includes information on:

Handling nonbond interactions

Other energy-expression terms

Manually setting up the energy expression

You should already know...

Please see Preparing the Energy Expression and the Model in Forcefield-Based Simulations for the theory and general methodology of preparing the forcefield.

Handling nonbond interactions

How long-range nonbond interactions are treated is an important factor in determining both the accuracy and the computational expense of a forcefield-based simulation.

When is this needed?

Specifying how nonbond interactions are handled is optional whether forcefield setup (Specifying automated forcefield loading and setup) is automatic or manual. It is common to specify the handling of van der Waals and electrostatic interactions; however, hydrogen-bond terms are rarely used.

You should already know...

Forcefield-Based Simulations, under Handling nonbond interactions, contains information on the theory of nonbond interactions in forcefield-based simulations, functional forms of the energy terms, combination rules, the simulated dielectric constant, distance-dependent dielectric "constants", cutoffs and other methods for handling nonbond interactions, neighbor lists, etc.

Methods, types of models, and recommendations

Cerius2 offers three methods for calculating long-range atom-atom interaction energies:

Generally not recommended, except for small models, for which you should set the cutoff distance to a large enough value that all interactions are calculated.

Recommended for nonperiodic models. Use a nonbond list for faster calculation with most models.

Not recommended for periodic models, except for van der Waals terms in models having 2D periodicity.

Recommended for periodic models (and preferred over the spline method). Convergence is generally faster if the geometric combination rule is used (and any defined off-diagonal parameters are ignored) for van der Waals interactions between nonidentical atom types. Must be used with a nonbond list.

Cannot be used for nonperiodic models.

Please see Forcefield-Based Simulations under Modeling periodic systems and Handling nonbond interactions for details on using these methods.

Accessing the tools

To specify the van der Waals terms and method, select the Energy Terms/van der Waals menu item on the OPEN FORCE FIELD card to open the van der Waals Preferences control panel.

To specify the Coulombic terms and method, select the Energy Terms/Coulomb menu item on the OPEN FORCE FIELD card to open the Coulomb Preferences control panel.

Both control panels contain several Preferences... pushbuttons that give access to additional control panels relating to each method of calculating nonbond interaction energies.

Although specific hydrogen-bond terms are rarely needed (since most modern forcefields account for hydrogen-bond interactions without them), you can also specify hydrogen-bond calculation preferences if you need to. Select the Energy Terms/Hydrogen Bond menu item from the OPEN FORCE FIELD card to access the Hydrogen Bond Preferences control panel.

For MMFF, select the Nonbonded Preferences menu item in the MMFF card to access the MMFF Nonbonded Preferences control panel. Alternatively, select the Run menu item and then click the Preferences... pushbutton in the MMFF Energy Minimization control panel.

Technical notes

Some controls in the van der Waals Preferences and Coulomb Preferences control panels are mapped to one another; that is, changing a control in one control panel automatically causes the same change to occur in the equivalent control in the other control panel. This is also true for controls in several of the equivalent panels accessed by the Preferences... pushbuttons.


Open both the van der Waals Preferences and Coulomb Preferences control panels to see the effects of these linkages and to make sure that the actual settings are what you want.  

Setting van der Waals and Coulomb preferences

If you want to use a non-Ewald method for the van der Waals and Coulombic terms, select the nonbond calculation method and set the Interaction Treatment control in either the van der Waals Preferences or Coulomb Preferences control panel to DIRECT or SPLINE. The same method is automatically chosen in the other control panel (unless EWALD is chosen first in the Coulomb Preferences control panel).

If you are using the direct or spline method and want to change the cutoff, spline-on, and/or spline-off distances, click the Preferences... pushbutton (to the right of the SPLINE checkbox) in either control panel to access controls for setting these distances. The same distance(s) are automatically chosen in the equivalent other control panel.

You may independently choose the Ewald method in the van der Waals and Coulomb Preferences control panels.

Ewald and 3D periodic systems

For 3D periodic systems you normally select EWALD as the Interaction Treatment in both the van der Waals Preferences and Coulomb Preferences control panels. The associated Preferences... buttons bring up the VDW Ewald Preferences and Coulomb Ewald Preferences panels, respectively.

These control panels allow the parameters of the Ewald sum (real and reciprocal space cutoffs and convergence constant) to be set. The vdW Ewald Preferences control panel also specifies the cutoff for the repulsive part of the interaction.

Use the Optimization Policy parameter to specify when the Ewald parameters are to be estimated. The SMART option instructs Open Force Field to decide when best to estimate parameters. This is the default setting and is recommended. You may also choose ONCE, ALWAYS and NEVER to specify that the parameters be estimated the first time the energy expression is evaluated, each time the energy expression is evaluated or never. The last option should be used when the parameters displayed are to be used in subsequent calculations.


The optimization algorithm does not work well if second derivatives are required. It makes use of the Term time ratio parameter, which is the ratio of the time taken to evaluate a real-space term to that required to evaluate a reciprocal-space term. If second derivatives are required, this makes the reciprocal-space sum relatively more expensive. You should therefore reduce this parameter to optimize the calculation. (For example, on an 80-atom system, reducing this parameter by a factor of 10 gives the fastest calculation, and even larger reductions are best for larger models.)  

Setting the Search for Neighbors parameters

When using a neighbor list, a list is maintained of atom pairs which lie within the non-bond cut-off separation (and which are not subject to exclusion). Such a list allows faster computation of van der Waals and Coulomb interactions, but requires time to set up. For very large systems, the size of the non-bond list may be too large to store in memory, so all non-bond pairs will have to be calculated on the fly.

The default setting, SMART, allows Open Force Field to determine the most appropriate algorithm to use. In some cases, however, you may wish to force the creation of a neighbor list (LIST) or force Open Force Field to locate non-bond interactions on the fly (NO LIST). For more detail on the considerations in choosing between these settings, see the help text.

Ewald and 2D periodic systems

For 2D periodic systems, EWALD may be selected in the Coulomb Preferences control panel, but no 2D Ewald sum is available for the van der Waals interactions. You should therefore choose SPLINE in the van der Waals Preferences control panel. The Ewald cutoffs apply only in the periodic directions: there is no cutoff in the non-periodic direction. The 2D Ewald sum has its own optimization method, and the Term time ratio is not used.


In MMFF, only a spline cutoff method is available. Controls in the MMFF Nonbonded Preferences control panel give you full control over parameters affecting this method.

Setting hydrogen-bond preferences

The methods for calculating hydrogen-bond terms are limited to the direct and spline methods (see Methods, types of models, and recommendations).

Additional information

Please see the on-screen help for details on the functioning of each control in all the control panels mentioned in this section.

Other energy-expression terms

Ordinarily, the default energy terms belonging to the chosen forcefield should be used in the energy expression. However, experienced computational chemists may want to exclude default terms or include nondefault (if possible) terms for some special circumstances.

You might also want to examine which terms are actually included by default in the chosen forcefield.

Finally, some forcefields allow you options as to how multiple torsion or inversion terms are handled. Generally, you would not want to use the first torsion or inversion found, since its identity depends on the order in which the atoms of the model were drawn.


MSI strongly recommends that novice users not make any of the changes mentioned in this section.  

Related information

To edit forcefield files and/or create your own forcefields, please see The Forcefield Editor.

You should already know...

Forcefields and Forcefield Terms and Atom Types in Forcefield-Based Simulations contain information on forcefield energy terms, what energy terms are included in which forcefields, and their functional forms.

Technical notes

If a given term has not been parameterized for or included in the definition of the chosen forcefield, you cannot include it in the energy expression for your model. If you try, Cerius2 will end any attempted simulation and print an error message in the text window.

Accessing the tools

To choose which terms to include in an energy expression, select the Energy Terms/Selection menu item on the OPEN FORCE FIELD card to open the Energy Terms Selection control panel. Alternatively, click the Term Selection... pushbutton on the Energy Expression (Manually setting up the energy expression) control panel. The check boxes reflect the energy terms that are available in the current forcefield.

To modify how multiple torsion or inversion (out-of-plane) terms that involve the same set of central atoms are handled, select the Energy Terms/Torsion or Energy Terms/Inversion menu item on the OPEN FORCE FIELD card to open the Torsion Preferences or Inversion Preferences control panel.

Changing what terms are included in the energy expression

You can exclude certain terms from the energy expression that will be set up (Manually setting up the energy expression) by unchecking the appropriate check boxes in the Energy Terms Selection control panel.

If the forcefield allows alternative terms for certain atomic interactions or optional terms, these may be included in the energy expression by checking the appropriate check boxes.

Changing how torsions are handled

If all torsions about a common bond are simply summed, the torsion energy term may be too large. Most forcefields are therefore designed to handle torsion terms so as to compensate when there are multiple torsions about a single central bond.

Some forcefields allow you to choose to either use the forcefield torsion term for the first torsion found or to average all torsions that occur about a common central bond. The first alternative is not recommended, since the order in which atoms (and torsions) are found depends on the order in which they were created.

Some forcefields tend to give too-high energy for torsions that are exocyclic to an aromatic ring: they compensate by using a scaling factor less than 1.0.

MSI does not recommend that you change any of the default settings in the Torsion Preferences control panel.

Changing how inversions are handled

If all inversions (out-of-planes) about a common central atom are simply summed, the out-of-plane energy term may be too large. Most forcefields are therefore designed to handle out-of-plane terms so as to compensate when there are multiple out-of-planes about a single central atom.

Some forcefields allow you to choose to either use the forcefield out-of-plane term for the first out-of-plane found or to average all out-of-planes that occur about a common central atom. The first alternative is not recommended, since the order in which atoms (and out-of-planes) are found depends on the order in which they were created.

MSI does not recommend that you change the default setting in the Inversion Preferences control panel.

Additional information

Please see the on-screen help for details on the functioning of each control in the Energy Terms Selection, Torsion Preferences, and Inversion Preferences control panels.

Manually setting up the energy expression

As the final step before running a forcefield-based calculation, a specific energy expression must be set up using the forcefield parameters relevant to each atom type and each sort of atomic interaction (bond, nonbond, torsion, etc.) actually found in the current model.

When is this needed?

If you do not use automated forcefield setup (Specifying automated forcefield loading and setup), you must manually load a forcefield (Manually loading a forcefield) in order to perform any forcefield-based calculation. Then automated setup of the energy expression generally occurs when required.

However, if you did not specify automated setup of the energy expression and you make significant changes to the model after assigning atom types, you may need to specifically request that the energy expression be set up again.

You should already know...

Forcefields and Forcefield Terms and Atom Types in Forcefield-Based Simulations contain information on forcefield energy terms, what energy terms are included in which forcefields, and their functional forms.

How it works

Most forcefields contain parameters for every combination of forcefield atom types for which the forcefield has been designed. Thus, the appropriate energy terms are read from the forcefield file for each atom type in each atom, bond, angle, etc. in the model.

The Universal forcefield (UFF) has a generator that calculates forcefield parameters on the fly by combining single-atom parameters. Forcefield parameters for any combination of atom types can be generated as required.

The single-atom parameters in UFF are combined using a prescribed set of equations ("rules") that generate forcefield parameters for bond, angle, torsion, inversion (i.e., out-of-plane), and van der Waals and Coulomb energy terms. For further details, including the generator equations, see Rappé et al. (1992).

Technical notes

Regardless of forcefield, the energy-expression setup procedure described here is not necessary for energy calculations in the Blends, Morphology, or Sorption modules. These modules set up their own energy expressions using the forcefield, atom types, bond orders, and atomic constraints set up in the Open Force Field module.

An energy expression must be set up after any change to the forcefield (Manually loading a forcefield), atom types (Manually assigning forcefield atom types), bond order (Manually assigning bond types), atomic constraints (Setting constraints and restraints), or energy terms (Preparing the energy expression). The setup also must be repeated if there is any significant change to the model, such as adding or deleting atoms or bonds. Cerius2·OFF reminds you of this by destroying an energy expression that has become invalid. (The energy expression need not be set up again if atoms have merely been moved or if charges have been added.)

Accessing the tools

Select the Energy Expression/Setup menu item on the OPEN FORCE FIELD card to open the Energy Expression control panel.

Setting up the energy expression

To set up the energy expression manually, simply click the Set up expression action button. A summary of the energy expression is printed in the text window. If you want to attempt to set up an energy expression even if some terms are not defined, click the More... button to the right to bring up the Default Parameters control panel and then check the Ignore undefined terms checkbox.

Check the Parameter quality checkbox if you wish to see a report of parameter quality. Parameter qualities are only available for the CFF, CVFF and PCFF forcefields.

The More... button to the right of this checkbox will invoke the Parameter Quality control panel, wherein you can specify the output format as well as the report's level of detail.


Reporting level allows you to specify the output format. SUMMARY gives you the number of terms of a given interaction type and the quality listed in order of quality. FULL yields a detailed list of medium and low quality parameters.

Note that the FULL option will not produce any output if all terms in the energy expression use high quality parameters.  


One way to check if a valid energy expression has been set up is to click the Evaluate action button in the Energy Expression control panel. The energies appear in the text window, but if you want to examine the derivatives after the evaluation, check the Write output check box and enter a filename in the associated entry box.  

Additional information

For more information lease see the on-screen help for details on the functioning of each control in the Energy Expression control panel.

Last updated July 09, 1998 at 07:48PM PDT.
Copyright © 1997, 1998 Molecular Simulations Inc. All rights reserved.