Forcefield Based Simulations

4       Minimization

This chapter explains

This chapter concentrates on the static information that can be extracted from the potential energy surface, as well as on the algorithms used for this purpose. The main areas that are covered--minimization and harmonic vibration calculations--are usually lumped together as molecular mechanics, to differentiate them from molecular dynamics calculations (Molecular Dynamics), in which the time evolution of the system is considered.

This chapter explains how minimization is implemented and presents general procedures for performing minimization calculations. To make the most effective use of minimization, you should read this entire chapter, which includes:

General minimization process

Minimization algorithms

General methodology for minimization

Energy and gradient calculation

Vibrational calculation

Related information

Forcefields and Preparing the Energy Expression and the Model focus on the representation of the potential energy surface and the useful ways that it can be biased through the addition of restraints and constraints, as well as other information on preparing the model for calculations.

Specific information

For specific information on setting up and running minimizations with the various MSI simulation engines, please see the relevant documentation (see Available documentation).

Table 13 . Finding information in Minimization section

If you want to know about: Read:
Simple 2D illustrations of minimization algorithms.  
Specific minimization example.  
Minimization algorithms used by MSI simultion engines.  
Table 14.  
The steepest-descents method of minimization.  
Steepest descents  
The conjugate-gradient method.  
Conjugate gradient.  
The full, iterative Newton-Raphson method.  
Iterative Newton-Raphson method.  
Quasi (or pseudo) Newton-Raphson methods.  
Flowcharts for Newton-Raphson methods.  
Figure 24; Figure 25.  
Truncated Newton-Raphson methods.  
Truncated Newton-Raphson.  
Before you begin a minimization.  
General methodology for minimization.  
Using MSI's simulation engines for minimization.  
Minimizations with MSI simulation engines.  
Meaning of the minimized structure and its calculated energy.  
Significance of minimum-energy structure.  
Using the various minimization algorithms.  
When to use different algorithms.  
Precautions with large models.  
When to use different algorithms.  
Precautions with models having bad conformations.  
When to use different algorithms.  
Convergence problems.  
Starting structures and choice of forcefield; Failure to converge.  
Disk-space storage requirements.  
Conjugate gradient vs. Newton-Raphson and disk space.  
Using different constraints/restraints at different stages of minimization.  
When to use constraints/restraints.  
Ending a run.  
Convergence criteria.  
Using MSI's minimization engines for vibrational calculations.  
General methodology for vibrational calculations.  

Uses of minimization

An important method for exploring the potential energy surface is to find configurations that are stable points on the surface. This means finding a point in the configuration space where the net force on each atom vanishes. By adjusting the atomic coordinates and unit cell parameters (for periodic models, if requested) so as to reduce the model potential energy, stable conformations can be identified.

Perhaps more important, the addition of external forces to the model in the form of restraints (Preparing the Energy Expression and the Model) allows for the development of a wide range of modeling strategies using minimization strategies as the foundation for answering specific questions. For example, the question "How much energy is required for one molecule to adopt the shape of another?" can be answered by forcing specific atoms to overlap atoms of a template structure during an energy minimization.

General minimization process

Energy evaluatiom

Minimization of a model is done in two steps. First, the energy expression (an equation describing the energy of the system as a function of its coordinates) must be defined and evaluated for a given conformation. Energy expressions may be defined that include external restraining terms to bias the minimization, in addition to the energy terms.

Conformation adjustment

Next, the conformation is adjusted to lower the value of the energy expression. A minimum may be found after one adjustment or may require many thousands of iterations, depending on the nature of the algorithm, the form of the energy expression, and the size of the model.

The efficiency of the minimization is therefore judged by both the time needed to evaluate the energy expression and the number of structural adjustments (iterations) needed to converge to the minimum.

Specific minimization example

To introduce the various minimization algorithms, the application of each algorithm to the minimization of a pure quadratic function in two dimensions is discussed. Although the energy surface is most certainly anharmonic in regions away from the minimum, it may be considered to be locally harmonic at the minimum.

A simple illustration in two dimensions

Rather than a complex energy expression, the target function used in this illustration is an elliptical surface in two dimensions, as described by Eq. 60:

Eq. 60        

Begin with the function and an initial guess of its minimum

This simple function illustrates the properties of the minimization algorithms and captures the mathematical essence of the formulations. Every minimization begins with some energy expression analogous to Eq. 60. In addition to an energy expression defining the energy surface, a starting set of coordinates--an initial guess--for (x,y) must be provided.

Figure 19 is a contour plot of the energy E in the (x,y) plane. Each ellipse is spaced two energy units apart and represents a locus of points having the same energy. (This is analogous to a contoured topographical map.)

Figure 19 . Energy contour surface of a simple function

An energy contour surface for the function x2 + 5y2. Each contour represents an increase of two arbitrary energy units.  

Of course, the minimum of this simple function is trivial and can be deduced by inspection to be (0,0).

The minimizer must find the direction to the minimum and its distance from the initial guess

Given an energy expression that defines the energy surface (such as in Figure 19) and an initial starting point, a minimizer must determine both the direction towards a minimum and the distance to the minimum in that direction. A good initial direction is simply the slope or derivatives of the function at the current point. The derivatives of Eq. 60 are a two-dimensional vector:

Eq. 61        

Here, the derivatives are proportional to the coordinates, so that, the further you are from the minimum, the larger the derivatives.

Improve efficiency by finding how the derivatives change

The derivatives, however, merely point downhill and not necessarily towards the minimum (see Figure 20). Thus, as you move in the direction of the initial derivatives, the new derivatives change and point in yet a new direction. In order to improve the efficiency, the more sophisticated algorithms such as conjugate gradients and Newton-Raphson use information on how the derivatives change, to determine the direction.

Line search

Before detailing the different algorithms, the concept of a line search is introduced. Line searches are an implicit component of most minimizers.

Most minimizers use line searches

Minimizers usually have two major components. The more generic part is the so-called line search, which actually changes the coordinates to a new lower-energy structure. As an illustration, consider Figure 20

Figure 20 . Energy surface for Eq. 60

The derivative vector from the initial point a (x0, y0) defines the line search direction. Note that the derivative vector does not point directly toward the minimum. Compare this representation with that in Figure 21, where the line (b-a-c-d) is searched in one dimension for the minimum. Note that the minimum (point c) occurs precisely at the point where the derivative vector is tangent to the energy contours, which implies that the subsequent derivative vectors are orthogonal to the previous derivatives.  

in which the gradient direction from an arbitrary starting point has been superimposed on our elliptic function. The starting point (x0, y0) is defined as point a.

What is a line search?

In simple terms, a line search amounts to a one-dimensional minimization along a direction vector determined at each iteration. For the path shown in Figure 20, it would be along derivative vector (2x,10y), and the one-dimensional surface can be expressed parametrically in terms of coordinate (see also Figure 21):

Eq. 62        

where (x´, y´) are coordinates along the line away from the current point (x0, y0) in the direction of the derivative at (x0, y0).

If the energy of these new points is calculated and plotted as a function of , the curve in Figure 21

Figure 21 . Cross section of the energy surface as defined by the intersection of the line search path in Figure 20 with the energy surface

The independent variable is a one-dimensional parameter that is adjusted so as to minimize the value of the function E (x', y'), where x' and y' are parameterized in terms of in Eq. 62. Point a corresponds to the initial point (when is 0), and point c is the local one-dimensional minimum. Points b and d, along with a, bound the minimum and form the basis for an iterative search for the minimum.  

is obtained.

The minimum along (that is, c) coincides with the point at which the line is tangential to the energy contour. Because the maximum derivative's direction is perpendicular to the search line at this point, each line search is orthogonal to the previous one. This is an important property of line searches, which is also included in the discussion of the conjugate gradient algorithm under Conjugate gradient.

Efficiency and cost of extensive line searches

Line searches do not depend on the algorithm that generated the direction vector. The general strategy is to simply bracket the one-dimensional minimum between two points higher in energy, for example points b and d in Figure 21. Then, by a set of successive iterations, the actual minimum is approached (e.g., starting at point a, the first step might lead to b, then the direction might reverse to lead to d and finally to c). Extensive line searches are attractive because they extract all the energy from one direction before moving on to the next. Also, the fact that the new derivatives are always perpendicular to the previous directions produces an efficient path to the minimum for surfaces that are approximately quadratic. In practice, however, line searches are costly in terms of the number of function evaluations that must be performed. The energy must be evaluated at 3-10 points to precisely locate the one-dimensional minimum, and thus extensive line searches are inefficient.

Minimization algorithms

Only minimization algorithms used in MSI's simulation engines (Table 14) are considered here:

Steepest descents

Conjugate gradient

Newton-Raphson methods

Table 14 . Minimization algorithms used by MSI simulation engines

algorithm variant simulation engine
CHARMm Discover OFF MMFF93
steepest descents  
conjugate gradient  
full, iterative  
BFGS (quasi)  
DFP (quasi)  

"Iteration" defined

To be consistent in discussions of efficiency, a minimization iteration must be explicitly defined. That is, an iteration is complete when the direction vector is updated. For minimizers using a line search, each completed line search is therefore an iteration. Iterations should not be confused with function evaluations.

Choosing the minimization algorithm(s)

Access to controls used to specify what minimizer(s) to use is presented under General methodology for minimization.

Steepest descents

In the steepest-descents method, the line search direction is defined along the direction of the local downhill gradient -E(xi, yi). Figure 22

Figure 22 . Minimization path following a steepest-descents path

When complete line searches starting from point a are used, the minimum is reached in about 12 iterations. Here, where a rigorous line search is carried out, approximately 8 function evaluations are needed for each line search using a quadratic interpolation scheme. Note how steepest descents consistently overshoots the best path to the minimum, resulting in an inefficient, oscillating trajectory.  

shows the minimization path followed by a steepest-descents approach for the simple quadratic function. As expected, each line search produces a new direction that is perpendicular to the previous gradient; however, the directions oscillate along the way to the minimum. This inefficient behavior is characteristic of steepest descents, especially on energy surfaces having narrow valleys.

Increased efficiency with truncated line searches

What would happen if the line search were eliminated and the position would simply be updated any time that the trial point along the gradient had a lower energy? The advantage would be that the number of function evaluations performed per iteration would be dramatically decreased. Furthermore, by constantly changing the direction to match the current gradient, oscillations along the minimization path might be damped.

The result of such a minimization is shown in Figure 23. The minimization begins from the same point as in Figure 22, but each line search uses, at most, two function evaluations (if the trial point has a higher energy, the step size is adjusted downward and a new trial point is generated) (Levitt and Lifson, 1969). Note that the steps are more erratic here, but the minimum is reached in roughly the same number of iterations. The critical aspect, however, is that by avoiding comprehensive line searches, the total number of function evaluations is only 10-20% of that used by the rigorous line search method.

Figure 23 . Minimization path following a steepest-descents path without line searches

The searching starts from point a and converges on the minimum in about 12 iterations. Although the number of iterations is slightly larger than in Figure 22, the total minimization is five times faster since, on average, each iteration uses only 1.3 function evaluations. Note that, in most applications in molecular mechanics, the function evaluation is the most time-consuming portion of the calculation.  

A slow but robust method

The exclusive reliance of steepest descents on gradients is both its weakness and its strength. Convergence is slow near the minimum because the gradient approaches zero, but the method is extremely robust, even for systems that are far from harmonic. It is the method most likely to generate a lower-energy structure regardless of what the function is or where the process begins. Therefore, the steepest-descents method is often used when the gradients are large and the configurations are far from the minimum. This is commonly the case for initial relaxation of poorly refined crystallographic data or for graphically built models. In fact, as explained in the following sections, more advanced algorithms are often designed to begin with steepest descents as the first step.


The conjugate gradient method (below) and the iterative and quasi Newton-Raphson methods assume that the conformation is close enough to a local minimum that the potential energy surface is very nearly quadratic. Hence, steepest descents should generally be used for the first 10-100 steps of minimization (depending on the size of the model and how distorted its starting conformation is). Please see also When to use different algorithms.

Conjugate gradient

The reason that the steepest-descents method converges slowly near the minimum is that each segment of the path tends to reverse progress made in an earlier iteration. For example, in Figure 22, each line search deviates somewhat from the ideal direction to the minimum. Successive line searches correct for this deviation, but they cannot efficiently correct because each direction must be orthogonal to the previous direction. Thus, the path oscillates and continually overcorrects for poor choices of directions in earlier steps.

Increasing the efficiency of line searches by controlling the choice of new direction

It would be preferable to prevent the next direction vector from undoing earlier progress. This means using an algorithm that produces a complete basis set of mutually conjugate directions such that each successive step continually refines the direction toward the minimum. If these conjugate directions truly span the space of the energy surface, then minimization along each direction in turn must by definition end in arriving at a minimum. The conjugate gradient algorithm constructs and follows such a set of directions.

In conjugate gradients, hi+1, the new direction vector leading from point i+1, is computed by adding the gradient at point i+1, gi+1, to the previous direction hi scaled by a constant i:

Eq. 63        

Polak-Ribiere method

where i is a scalar that can be defined in two ways. In the Polak-Ribiere method, i is defined as:

Eq. 64        

Fletcher-Reeves method

And in the Fletcher-Reeves method (1964), i is defined as:

Eq. 65        

(Fletcher 1980). Although the two conjugate gradient methods have similar characteristics, one or the other might behave better in certain cases.

This direction is then used in place of the gradient in Eq. 62, and a new line search is conducted. This construction has the remarkable property that the next gradient, gi+1, is orthogonal to all previous gradients, g0, g1, g2, ..., gi, and that the next direction, hi+1, is conjugate to all previous directions, h0, h1, h2, ..., hi. Thus, the term conjugate gradient is somewhat of a misnomer. The algorithm produces a set of mutually orthogonal gradients and a set of mutually conjugate directions. This method converges in approximately N steps, where N is the numbr of degrees of freedom.

Powell method

The Powell method (used in CHARMm and Cerius2·MMFF; see Powell 1977 and Gunsteren & Karplus 1980) is essentially a strategy for handling convergence problems.

Conjugate gradient best for large models

Conjugate gradients is the method of choice for large models because, in contrast to Newton-Raphson methods, where storage of a second-derivative matrix (N (N + 1) \xda 2) is required, only the previous 3N gradients and directions have to be stored. However, to ensure that the directions are mutually conjugate, more complete line search minimizations must be performed along each direction. Since these line searches consume several function evaluations per search, the time per iteration may be longer for conjugate gradients than for steepest descents. This is more than compensated for by the more efficient convergence to the minimum achieved by conjugate gradients.


The conjugate gradient method can be unstable if the conformation is so far away from a local minimum that the potential energy surface is not nearly quadratic. Steepest descents (Steepest descents) should generally be used for the first 10-100 steps of minimization. Please see also When to use different algorithms.

Newton-Raphson methods

Iterative Newton-Raphson method

Using the second derivatives to accelerate convergence

As a rule, N 2 independent data points are required to numerically solve a harmonic function with N variables. Since a gradient is a vector N long, the best you can hope for in a gradient-based minimizer is to converge in N steps. However, if you can exploit second-derivative information, a minimization could ideally converge in one step, because each second derivative is an N X N matrix. This is the principle behind the variable metric minimization algorithms, of which Newton-Raphson is perhaps the most commonly used.

Another way of looking at Newton-Raphson is that, in addition to using the gradient to identify a search direction, the curvature of the function (the second derivative) is also used to predict where the function passes through a minimum along that direction. Since the complete second-derivative matrix defines the curvature in each gradient direction, the inverse of the second-derivative matrix can be multiplied by the gradient to obtain a vector that translates directly to the nearest minimum. This is expressed mathematically as:

Eq. 66        

where rmin is the predicted minimum, r0 is an arbitrary starting point, A(r0) is the matrix of second partial derivatives of the energy with respect to the coordinates at r0 (also known as the Hessian matrix), and E(r0) is the gradient of the potential energy at r0.

Iteration required because energy surface is not harmonic

The energy surface is generally not harmonic, so that the minimum-energy structure cannot be determined with one Newton-Raphson step. Instead, the algorithm must be applied iteratively:

Eq. 67        

Thus, the ith point is determined by taking a Newton-Raphson step from the previous point (i - 1). Similar to conjugate gradients, the efficiency of Newton-Raphson minimization increases as convergence is approached (Ermer 1976).

Drawbacks of pure Newton-Raphson method

As elegant as this algorithm appears, its application to molecular modeling has several drawbacks. First, the terms in the Hessian matrix are difficult to derive and are computationally costly for molecular forcefields. Furthermore, when a structure is far from the minimum (where the energy surface is anharmonic), the minimization can become unstable.

For example, when the forces are large but the curvature is small, such as on the steep repulsive wall of a van der Waals potential, the algorithm computes a large step (a large gradient divided by the small curvature) that may overshoot the minimum and lead to a point even further from the minimum than the starting point. Thus, the method can diverge rapidly if the initial forces are too high (or the surface too flat).

Finally, calculating, inverting, and storing an N X N matrix for a large system can become unwieldy. Even taking into account that the Hessian is symmetric and that each of the tensor components is also symmetric, the storage requirements scale as approximately 3N 2 for N atoms. Thus, for a 200-atom system, 180,000 words are required. The Hessian alone for a 1,000-atom system already approaches the limits of a Cray-XMP supercomputer, and a 10,000-atom system is currently intractable.

Pure Newton-Raphson is reserved primarily for calculations where rapid convergence to an extremely precise minimum is required, for example, from initial derivatives of 0.1 kcal mol-1 Å-1 to 10-8 kcal mol-1 Å-1. Such extreme convergence is necessary when performing vibrational normal mode analysis, where even small residual derivatives can lead to errors in the calculated vibrational frequencies.


The iterative Newton-Raphson method can be unstable if the conformation is so far away from a local minimum that the potential energy surface is not nearly quadratic. Steepest descents (Steepest descents) should generally be used for the first 10-100 steps of minimization. Please see also When to use different algorithms.

Variants of iterative Newton-Raphson method

In addition to the iterative Newton-Raphson method, variants of the Newton method are available (Table 14): the quasi-Newton (which includes the BFGS and DFP methods) and the truncated Newton methods. These variants, as well as others, are characterized by the use of the general algorithm shown in Figure 24.

Figure 24 . General algorithm for variants of Newton-Raphson method

1. Supply an initial guess r0.

2. Test for convergence.

3. Compute an approximation Hessian A that is positive-definite.

4. Solve for the search direction pk so that:

where k is some prescribed quantity that controls the accuracy of the computed pk.

5. Compute an appropriate step length k so that the energy decreases by a sufficient amount.

6. Increment the coordinates:

7. Go to Step 2.

The differences among the various Newton methods revolve around:

The quasi-Newton-Raphson method follows the basic idea of the conjugate-gradients method by using the gradients of previous iterations to direct the minimization along a more efficient pathway. However, the use of the gradients is within the Newton framework. In particular, a matrix B approximating the inverse of the Hessian (A-1) is constructed from the gradients using a variety of updating schemes. This matrix has the property that, in the limit of convergence, it is equivalent to A-1, so that, in this limit, the method is equivalent to the Newton-Raphson method. Another property of B is that it is always positive-definite and symmetric by construction, so that successive steps in the minimization always decrease the energy.

Of the several different updating schemes for determining B, the two most common ones are the Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfarb, and Shanno (BFGS, also known as VA09A) and the Davidon, Fletcher, and Powell (DFP) algorithms. The BFGS method uses a Fletcher-Powell algorithm with approximate second derivatives.

DFP updating scheme

Defining and as the changes in the coordinates and gradients for successive iterations, the approximate Hessians (B-1) are given by the following in the DFP method:

Eq. 68        

BFGS updating scheme

and in the BFGS method:

Eq. 69        

In practice, the BFGS method is preferred over the DFP method, because BFGS has been shown to converge globally with inexact line searches, while DFP has not.

Advantages and disadvantages

The quasi-Newton-Raphson method has an advantage over the conjugate-gradient method in that it has been shown to be quadratically convergent for inexact line searches. Like the conjugate-gradient method, the method also avoids calculating the Hessian. However, it still requires storage proportional to N 2 (N = number of degrees of freedom), and the updated Hessian approximation may become singular or indefinite even when the updating scheme guarantees hereditary positive-definiteness. Finally, the behavior may become inefficient in regions where the second derivatives change rapidly. Thus, this minimizer is used in practice as a bridge between the iterative Newton-Raphson and the conjugate-gradient methods.


The quasi Newton-Raphson method can be unstable if the conformation is so far away from a local minimum that the potential energy surface is not nearly quadratic. Steepest descents (Steepest descents) should generally be used for the first 10-100 steps of minimization. Please see also When to use different algorithms.

Truncated Newton-Raphson
The truncated Newton-Raphson method (Figure 25) differs from the quasi-Newton-Raphson method in two respects:

Increased stability and speed

By using the second derivatives to generate the Hessian, the minimization is more stable far away from the minimum or in regions where the derivatives change rapidly. Since solving Eq. 67 by inversion is not tractable for large models, the search direction is solved iteratively using the conjugate-gradient method. Furthermore, to increase the speed in solving the search direction, the tolerance for conjugate-gradient convergence is dependent on the proximity to the minimum. The tolerance is relatively large when the minimization is far from the solution and decreases during convergence. This is appropriate, because the dependency of convergence on the line search direction becomes greater at the end of the minimization. At the beginning, it is more efficient to take more less-well-defined Newton steps than to take fewer well-defined steps.

To further increase the convergence rate of the conjugate-gradient minimization, the Newton equation that is solved for each line search direction is preconditioned with a matrix M. The matrix M may range in complexity from the identity matrix (M = I) to M = H. In the first limit, the Newton equation remains unchanged. However, in the second, there is no saving in computational effort, because M-1 H = I must be solved.

Please see also When to use different algorithms.

ABNR similar to truncated Newton-Raphson

The adopted-basis Newton-Raphson method (ABNR) is similar to the truncated Newton-Raphson method. The ABNR method performs energy minimization using a Newton-Raphson algorithm applied to a subspace of the coordinate vector spanned by the displacement coordinates of the last positions. The second derivative matrix is constructed numerically from the change in the gradient vectors, and is inverted by an eigenvector analysis that allows the routine to recognize and avoid saddle points in the energy surface. At each step, the residual gradient vector is calculated and used to add a steepest-descents step, incorporating new direction into the basis set.

Because ABNR avoids the large storage requirements of the full Newton-Raphson second derivative method, larger systems can be minimized more efficiently. ABNR is the method of choice if storage is a problem.

General methodology for minimization

Many issues are involved in designing an appropriate simulation strategy for a given model, some of which have to do only with the minimization algorithms themselves:

Minimizations with MSI simulation engines

When to use different algorithms

Convergence criteria

Significance of minimum-energy structure


One of the most important steps in any simulation is properly preparing the model to be simulated. Calculations on the fastest computer running the most efficient minimization algorithm may be worthless if the hydrogen is put on the wrong nitrogen or an important water molecule is omitted.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to provide a single recipe for a successful model--too much depends on the objectives and expectations of each calculation. Are energies to be compared quantitatively? What is the hypothesis being tested? The effects of tethering, fixing, energy cutoffs, etc. on the results can be answered only by controlled preliminary experiments.


For simulation strategies that involve minimization, several considerations must be addressed, including:

Minimizations with MSI simulation engines


To set up a minimization run, first:

1.   Choose the desired forcefield if you don't want to use the default forcefield (Forcefields).

2.   Set up the forcefield and prepare your model (Preparing the Energy Expression and the Model).

Accessing minimization controls


3.   Specify items such as the minimization algorithm(s) (Minimization algorithms and When to use different algorithms) and run-termination criteria (Convergence criteria) (unless you want your calculation to run under the default conditions).

To find the relevant controls in the different molecular modeling programs:

Alternatively, for a simple minimization run, select the Strategy/Simple_Minimize command. Set the controls as desired.

Discover and CHARMm offer additional functionality when run in standalone mode. (How to run Discover and CHARMm in standalone mode is documented separately--see Additional information.)

Specifying output

4.   Specify the desired output:

Discover and CHARMm offer additional functionality when run in standalone mode.

Starting a minimization run


5.   Start the minimization run:

Alternatively, for a simple minimization run, select Execute in the Strategy/Simple_Minimize command.

Specific information

For specific information on setting up and running minimizations with the various MSI simulation engines and on examining the results, please see the relevant documentation (see Available documentation).

When to use different algorithms

The default minimizers in Discover and OFF use a cascade of appropriate minimization algorithms in sequence. However, you may want to exercise more control over your simulation.

Model size and distance from the minimum

The choice of which algorithm to use depends on two factors--the size of the model and its current state of optimization. The conjugate gradient and steepest descents methods can be used with models of any size. Most Newton-Raphson methods cannot be used with very large models, because they need sufficient disk space to store a second-derivative matrix. (The ABNR method does not store a large second-derivative matrix.)

Until the derivatives are well below 100 kcal mol-1Å-1, it is likely that the point is sufficiently distant from a minimum that the energy surface is far from quadratic. Algorithms that assume the energy surface to be quadratic (Newton-Raphson, quasi-Newton-Raphson, conjugate gradient) can be unstable when the model is far from the quadratic limit. The Newton-Raphson method is particularly sensitive because it must invert the Hessian matrix.

Therefore, as a general rule, steepest descents is often the best minimizer to use for the first 10-100 steps, after which the conjugate gradient and/or a Newton-Raphson minimizer can be used to complete the minimization to convergence. The truncated Newton-Raphson minimizers are often the best Newton-Raphson methods for most applications.

Starting structures and choice of forcefield

For highly distorted structures, the presence of cross terms and Morse bond potentials in the forcefield can cause convergence problems. These functional forms can produce either small restoring forces or, more seriously, minima at nonphysical points on the potential energy surface.

Thus, in addition to using steepest descents for such distorted structures, you also ought to use a forcefield with a simple, quadratic functional form. How to choose and set up forcefields is covered in Preparing the Energy Expression and the Model.

Conjugate gradient vs. Newton-Raphson and disk space

Several practical aspects of the conjugate gradient method are worth mentioning. First, the conjugate gradient algorithm requires convergence along each line search before continuing in the next direction. The gradient at step i+1 must be perpendicular to hi or the derivation guaranteeing a conjugate set of directions breaks down. Second, to start conjugate gradients, an initial direction h0 must be chosen that is equal to the initial gradient. Finally, additional storage is required for an extra vector of N elements to hold the N components of the old gradient. For energy minimization in Cartesian space this would be the 3N derivatives of the energy with respect to the x, y, and z coordinates of each atom. This makes conjugate gradient the method of choice for systems that are too large for storing and manipulating a second-derivative matrix, as is required by the Newton-Raphson minimizers.

The general memory requirements of all the minimizers are listed in Table 15.

Table 15 . General storage requirements of minimization algorithms

algorithm variant memory needed for scales as1
steepest descents  
first derivatives  
conjugate gradient  
first derivatives, gradient from previous iteration  
first derivatives, gradient from previous iteration  
first derivatives, gradient from previous iteration  
full, iterative  
Hessian, eigenvectors  
(3N) 2  
first derivatives, Hessian update, scratch vectors  
(3N) 2  
first derivatives, Hessian update, scratch vectors  
(3N) 2  
(3N) 2  
first derivatives  
1 N = number of atoms (number of degrees of freedom).

Failure to converge

Also, note that the derivation invokes a quadratic approximation. For nonharmonic systems, the conjugate gradient method can exhaustively minimize along the conjugate directions without converging. This condition indicates that the minimizer may have gotten stuck at a saddle point. If this occurs, you can restart the algorithm. Several minimizations may be required. For a detailed discussion of this algorithm, see the excellent text by Press et al. (1986) or the somewhat more formal treatment by Fletcher (1980).

Convergence criteria

Mathematical definition

In the literature a wide variety of criteria have been used to judge minimization convergence in molecular modeling. Mathematically, a minimum is defined as the point at which the derivatives of the function are zero and the second-derivative matrix is positive definite. Nongradient minimizers can use only the increment in the energy and/or coordinates as criteria. In gradient minimizers, derivatives are available analytically and should be used directly to assess convergence.

Application to chemical models

In a molecular minimization, the atomic derivatives may be summarized as an average, a root-mean-square (rms) value, or the largest value. The average, of course, must be an average of the absolute values of the derivatives, because the distribution of derivatives is symmetric about zero. A rms derivative is a better measure than the average, because it weights larger derivatives more, and it is therefore less likely that a few large derivatives would escape detection, which can occur with simple averages.

Regardless of whether you choose to report convergence in terms of the average or rms values of the derivatives, you should always check that the maximum derivative is not unreasonable. There can be no ambiguity about the quality of the minimum if all derivatives are less than a given value.

How close to absolute convergence is good enough?

The more difficult question is, What value of the average or rms derivative constitutes convergence? The specific value depends on the objective of the minimization. If you simply want to relax overlapping atoms before beginning a dynamics run, minimizing to a maximum derivative of 1.0 kcal mol-1 Å-1 is usually sufficient. However, to perform a normal mode analysis, the maximum derivative must be less than 10-5, or the frequencies may be shifted by several wavenumbers.

Local or global minimum?

There is no guarantee that the minimum you find is necessarily a global minimum.

Small models can be minimized to a global minimum. However, multiple minimizations from different starting conformations should be run to confirm that a global minimum has indeed been found.

Larger models can often be minimized to several different conformations that a molecule might assume at 0 K. A global minimum may never be found for large models, because of the complexity of the potential energy surface. However, these many minima can be useful in understanding the molecule's conformational "space".

Please see also Failure to converge.

Other termination criteria

You generally also set a maximum number of iterations, so that runs that do not converge will nevertheless end within a reasonabe amount of time. That is, the run ends when either the convergence criteria or the maximum number of iterations is reached, whichever occurs first.

The BTCL language can be used to access the Discover Minimize database during a minimization run, so as to implement sophisticated customized stopping strategies.

Significance of minimum-energy structure

Calculated energy is relative

In dealing with macromolecular optimization calculations, it is important to keep in mind the theoretical significance of the minimum-energy structure and its calculated energy. For all forcefields used in calculations of this type, the energy zero is arbitrary, and therefore, the total potential energy of different models cannot be compared directly. However, it is meaningful to make comparisons of energies calculated for different configurations of chemically identical models. In principle, the calculated energy of a fully minimized structure is the classical enthalpy at absolute zero, ignoring quantum effects (in particular the zero-point vibrational motion). For a model that is sufficiently small that its normal modes can be calculated, quantum corrections for zero-point energy and the free energy at higher temperatures can be taken into account (Hagler et al. 1979c).

Precautions in ligand-binding calculations

The minimized energies calculated for enzyme-substrate complexes can be used to estimate relative binding enthalpies, but there are two caveats:

In practical terms, this means that an enthalpy calculation must be made for the various substrates in water. Where the relative binding of two different enzymes to the same substrate is calculated, the energy of each enzyme with solvent in the binding site must be calculated.

Entropy is usually neglected

The extent of the errors introduced by neglecting entropic contributions in the simpler minimization calculations is difficult to estimate, although, as with the zero-point energy, the entropy can be estimated for a model small enough that its normal mode frequencies can be calculated (Hagler et al. 1979c).

What is the purpose of your calculation?

The relative importance of these fundamental considerations depends on the objective of the calculation. When studying the relative binding in an enzyme active site of two substrates, one of which is flexible and the other rigid, entropic effects may be crucial for obtaining even qualitative agreement with experimental binding constants. On the other hand, if a putative compound overlaps sterically with many active-site atoms and causes hundreds of kilocalories of strain energy even in a minimized structure, the compound can be rejected confidently.

The bottom line is that physical-chemistry common sense cannot be abandoned when you are setting up a calculation and interpreting the results.

Energy and gradient calculation

An energy calculation is essentially just a zero-iteration minimization. It is used to calculate the energy of the current model structure without changing any atom positions.

It is often useful to obtain this information before performing other operations such as running an energy minimization, performing molecular dynamics, or doing a conformational search. Then results obtained using different methods can be compared with the initial values.

A gradient calculation is used to calculate the forces on the current model structure's atoms without changing any atom positions.

Specifying single-point energy and gradient calculations

To specify single-point energy and gradient calculations rather than a minimization (Minimizations with MSI simulation engines):

Discover and CHARMm offer additional functionality when run in standalone mode.

Vibrational calculation

This section includes:

Application of minimization to vibrational theory

Vibrational frequencies

General methodology for vibrational calculations

Harmonic vibrational frequencies obtained from an equilibrium geometry

The vibrational frequencies and modes of a molecule are strictly dynamic properties. However, it is possible to calculate the harmonic vibrational frequencies of a model from just information at its equilibrium geometry by expanding the potential energy surface as a Taylor series, truncating after the second term, and considering infinitesimal displacements. This harmonic approximation usually gives a good description of the true frequencies and normal modes and can be valuable for tasks ranging from evaluating the quality of a forcefield to understanding vibrational shifts induced by conformational changes or other interactions. The harmonic vibrational frequencies also can be used for zero-point vibrational corrections and for deriving vibrational free energy contributions. These effects can be important in comparing conformational energies and rotational barrier heights.

Uses of vibrational calculations

Beyond these considerations, the vibrational frequencies can be used for two classes of problems:

Application of minimization to vibrational theory

Kinetic energy of nuclei

Following Wilson et al. (1980), the kinetic energy of the nuclei is:

Eq. 70        

where the coordinates represent displacements from an equilibrium structure. If the 3N Cartesian coordinates are replaced with 3N mass-weighted coordinates as follows:

Eq. 71        

Simplified kinetic energy of nuclei

where m is the mass of the atom associated with the coordinate, and x runs over the y and z coordinates, as well as x, then the kinetic energy has the following simple form:

Eq. 72        

The second term in a Taylor series is needed to obtain vibrational information

When the potential energy of the system is expanded as a Taylor series in the same coordinates, it yields:

Eq. 73        

V0 is simply a constant--the energy scale can be chosen so that V0 = 0. The definition of an equilibrium structure is that the force on each atom is zero. The second term in Eq. 73 also is zero, leaving the following second-order approximation of the potential energy:

Eq. 74        

Combining energy and motion and solving for the mass-weighted coordinates

Using this approximation of the potential energy in Newton's equations of motion (Eq. 4) yields the following simultaneous second-order differential equations:

Eq. 75        

The solution to these equations can be of the form:

Eq. 76        

Numerically solvable form of the function

where the Ai are related to the relative amplitudes of the vibrational motion, 1\xda 2 is proportional to the vibrational frequency, and is a phase. Substituting Eq. 76 in Eq. 75 yields a set of algebraic equations:

Eq. 77        

where ij is a Kronecker delta, which equals one if i = j and zero otherwise. This is an eigenvalue problem that is readily solved numerically by standard techniques. The second derivatives of the potential energy, often called the force constants, can be analytically evaluated for most energy expressions used in molecular mechanics, in terms of the Cartesian coordinates of the atoms. A simple transformation to the mass-weighted coordinates then gives the values needed in Eq. 77.

Vibrational frequencies

Eigenvalues converted to vibrational frequencies

The simulation engine determines vibrational frequencies by calculating the second derivative matrix, mass weighting it, and then diagonalizing it to obtain the eigenvalues. These eigenvalues are then converted to vibrational frequencies in wavenumbers as follows:

Eq. 78        

Evaluating the quality of the calculation

where the conversion factor F converts the units from kcal mol-1 to wavenumbers. Of the 3N coordinates used to calculate the energy and vibrational frequencies, six correspond to net translations and rotations of the model (five for linear systems). These six modes have no restoring force and therefore have vibrational frequencies of zero for a minimized structure. Due to numerical inaccuracies, the simulation engine reports these frequencies with small values, which are typically less than 0.1 cm-1. If the structure is not perfectly minimized, the first-order terms in the Taylor expansion of the potential surface in Eq. 73 do not vanish. In turn, they introduce terms that couple the net rotations of the model with the internal motions and both perturb the internal vibrational frequencies and give apparent frequencies for the three rotations. Thus, the magnitude of the six "zero" frequencies is a good indication of the quality of the calculation.

Transition states

The model must be optimized before doing a vibration calculation

For calculating vibrational frequencies, the model must be minimized and the gradients must be zero. This does not mean that the configuration of the model must be at a minimum, but rather that it must be at a stable point on the surface. If the structure is not at a minimum, but rather is at a saddle point or transition state in one or more directions, this is reflected in the eigenvalues and the reported vibrational frequencies. For a saddle point, at least one eigenvalue is negative, which means that the curvature of the surface along at least one normal mode is negative. By convention, the imaginary frequencies for such modes are reported as negative.

Therefore, the reported vibrational frequencies describe the character of the stable point on the surface. If all frequencies are real, it is a minimum; if one frequency is imaginary, the structure is in a simple transition state; if two or more frequencies are imaginary, a double or more complicated transition state is indicated. The normal modes corresponding to the frequencies can be analyzed to understand the reaction path going through such a transition state.


Quantum mechanical solution...

The quantum mechanical solution for the vibrational energy of a set of uncoupled harmonic oscillators, which corresponds to the classical treatment outlined above, is:

Eq. 79        

...used to correct the vibrational energy determined with a forcefield

where the summation is over all the vibrational frequencies, ni is the vibrational quantum number for each vibration, h is Planck's constant, and i is the vibrational frequency. This leads to the following correction to the classical forcefield energy:

Eq. 80        

Free energy correction

where k is the Boltzmann constant and T is the temperature. The first term, hi \xda 2, is the zero-point correction; the second term corrects for the average thermal population of vibrational levels at the temperature T. This leads to a vibrational free energy correction of:

Eq. 81        

Vibrational entropy

and a vibrational entropy of:

Eq. 82        

General methodology for vibrational calculations

Specifying a vibration calculation

To specify a vibration calculation for a model that is already well minimized (Minimizations with MSI simulation engines):

Vibrational calculations in FDiscover and CHARMm are available only in standalone mode.

Model must be small and very well minimized

Computation of the harmonic vibrational frequencies requires the storage and diagonalization of the second-derivative matrix, which has dimensions of 3N X 3N, where N is the number of atoms. The work involved in the diagonalization scales as N 3 and quickly becomes prohibitively expensive for more than a few hundred atoms. The frequencies are valid only for well minimized models having maximum derivatives no greater than approximately 0.001 kcal mol-1 Å-1.

Use a forcefield that was designed for vibrational calculations

The forcefield is a major consideration. Most forcefield development has emphasized structures and energetics rather than vibrational frequencies. As a result, the frequencies calculated with forcefields (see Forcefields) such as AMBER, MM2, CHARMm, and, to a lesser extent, CVFF, may often be in error by several hundred wavenumbers. The inclusion of cross terms such as bond-bond and bond-angle terms is crucial for the accurate reproduction of experimental frequencies. The CVFF forcefield includes such cross terms and was, in part, parameterized to reproduce experimental frequencies, which explains its moderately good performance for vibrational calculations. The second-generation forcefields MM3 and CFF were explicitly designed to evenly weight vibrational frequencies as well as structural and energetic properties. Therefore, they provide the most reasonable and consistent results, usually within 50-100 cm-1. This error of up to approximately 100 cm-1 appears to be the current limit of general-purpose, transferable forcefields.

Last updated September 04, 1998 at 12:14PM Pacific Daylight Time.
Copyright © 1997, 1998 Molecular Simulations, Inc. All rights reserved.